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Messages - misken

Do you know how to investigate the source of syn floods? I get the syn flood alert mail every sunday morning between 2 and 4 a.m.. I guess there is one service running that triggers the warning, but how would you analyze this?
I have a home network with about 50 active devices, Proxmox server with multiple VMs, smart home devices, etc. I have no idea where to start..
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: Zenarmor using a lot of disk space
September 26, 2023, 08:24:04 AM
I had the same issue (mongodb taking about 33G of space) and I used the "reset database" option in the web UI of zenarmor. The option "erase data" did not clear anything. Reset cleared the DB.
Nur als Info, weil ich beim Googlen auf diesen Thread gestoßen bin: bei mir lag dieser Fehler am automatisch angeschalteten TRIM für meine SSD, die allerdings ein billiges China-Modell ist und das nicht unterstützt. Die ganzen Optionen haben alle nichts genützt, die Lösung war dann TRIM abzuschalten, was auch nicht ganz straigh forward war, aber es funktioniert endlich sauber. (siehe auch
Hi everyone,

I had a similar issue using an AWOW AK34 mini PC with Celeron N3450 ( ).

Adding "# notrim" to the first line in /etc/fstab also did the trick for me! Thanks herraa1! I did quite some googling and tested a lot of hint.ahci... options but none worked.
Be aware that even if you change that line in /etc/fstab after a clean install of opnsense within the first boot cycle, trim will be enabled after that one, so you need to reboot once again.