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Messages - richtri

Hello NetGobbler,

here is a German translation:
There is a nice manual on:
There is also something very IMPORTANT: Attention: The plugin must not be activated yet, but only when the other settings are set, otherwise the service will fall into a timeout loop and no longer respond. This error has not yet been fixed, although it is known to the NUT developers.

The os-nut plugin is an absolute disease. The configuration is a disaster, but once it works, it works ;-)

It makes sense to check the compatibility of Nut and the UPS used beforehand:
On the page you can read out the driver to be used. You can also scan the USB bus in the OPNsense shell: nut-scanner -U

For the APC Back-UPS BX1200MI I would use the "usbhid-ups".

Prerequisite: Please check whether an "enable" is still set somewhere in the "UPS Type" settings. Deactivate this and save with "Apply".

1. uncheck "Enable Nut" under "General Settings" and click "Apply".
2. if the USB cable of the UPS is connected directly to the Sense, then Service Mode "standalone", Name "Back-UPS BX1200MI", Listen Address "" if no other PC is connected to the UPS as a net client or "" if other PCs are connected to the UPS on which upsmon is running. then save with "Apply".
3. under "General Settings" arrow down -> select "Nut Account Settings". Assign the two passwords for Admin and Monitor and save with "Apply".
4. select "USBHID-Driver" under "UPS Type" and activate "enable" and click Apply.
5. now activate "Enable Nut" under "General Setting" (General Nut Settings) and save with "Apply".
6. the UPS can now be queried under "Services - Nut - Diagnostics".

I hope this is helpful.
Have fun testing.  8)
Greetings richtri