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Messages - cpw

Fair enough. I'll just put everything except LAN as "optx". Sounds reasonable to me.
The config definitely has special handling for the "internal identifiers" "lan" and "wan". It is unclear why. I agree, I could give them whatever names I want, but those are not the internal identifiers. I'm worried about the internal significance of those names, especially as I start trying to do the CARP stuff, where this seems more important.
That's fair enough, if it doesn't understand pppoe, I totally get it. Perhaps a bigger meta-question: Why is there the special distinction for "WAN"/"LAN"/"OPTx"?

It seems I cannot assign anything as "WAN" outside of that tool, perhaps short of editing and re-importing the config xml file. Does this matter?

Importantly, I am looking to setup some CARP failover, which is why I'm trying to straighten out the "Identifier" stuff. Having "lan" and "wan" point at the real things that are "wan" and "lan" seemed like an important step. Perhaps not?
Hi, I'm in the process of overhauling my OPNsense, so I'm rebuilding my config from scratch to clean out a lot of cruft in a new VM of 24.7.6. I'm trying to align my interfaces with the "prebuilt" setups as much as possible (lower friction, maybe?)

Something I've noticed - I have a fibre with PPPoE. It's working great, no problems, on the existing setup, but it's officially my "WAN" connection, not "opt2".

I'm trying to run the assignment "wizard" in the command line, but it refuses to let me select "pppoe0" as a WAN connection, even though it IS configured in the UI. I can assign it through the UI (but it gets an OPT name), but the command line seems to completely reject pppoe0 as a valid interface name.

MANAGEMENT (vtnet0_vlan1) -> v4:
                    v6: fdf5:7b89:4604::a0a:fa/128

HTTPS: sha256 CC 73 E3 5C AE B1 E3 48 66 C7 FE F5 C3 74 3A 46
               57 17 34 90 FB 9E D1 BB 36 E5 76 15 68 60 4E 41

  0) Logout                              7) Ping host
  1) Assign interfaces                   8) Shell
  2) Set interface IP address            9) pfTop
  3) Reset the root password            10) Firewall log
  4) Reset to factory defaults          11) Reload all services
  5) Power off system                   12) Update from console
  6) Reboot system                      13) Restore a backup

Enter an option: 1

Do you want to configure LAGGs now? [y/N]:
Do you want to configure VLANs now? [y/N]:

Valid interfaces are:

vtnet0           bc:24:11:96:b5:a0 VirtIO Networking Adapter
vtnet0_vlan1     00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 1, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan20    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 20, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan40    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 40, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan39    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 39, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan10    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 10, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan30    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 30, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan50    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 50, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan60    00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 60, parent interface vtnet0
vtnet0_vlan100   00:00:00:00:00:00 VLAN tag 100, parent interface vtnet0

If you do not know the names of your interfaces, you may choose to use
auto-detection. In that case, disconnect all interfaces now before
hitting 'a' to initiate auto detection.

Enter the WAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection: pppoe0

Invalid interface name 'pppoe0'

Enter the WAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection:

Enter the LAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection
NOTE: this enables full Firewalling/NAT mode.
(or nothing if finished): vtnet0_vlan1

Enter the Optional interface 1 name or 'a' for auto-detection
(or nothing if finished): pppoe0

Invalid interface name 'pppoe0'

Enter the Optional interface 1 name or 'a' for auto-detection
(or nothing if finished):

Is this a bug or oversight in the CLI utility behind "Assign Interfaces"?

Hi, I just upgraded from 24.1.10_8 to 24.7.4_1 (via 24.7.1) and it seems that IPv6 over PPPoE is no longer working for my setup. It worked perfectly prior to the upgrade.

I have "Use IPv4 Connectivity" selected, and it was working fine prior to the update. The IPv6 configuration type is "DHCPv6", again, same as prior to the update.

I am requesting a /56 PD and sending the prefix hint. Again, this all worked fine prior to the upgrade.

The change I see in the PPPoE log file is the presence of a new error message:

2024-09-18T10:09:07-04:00 Informational ppp [opt2_link0] rec'd unexpected protocol IPv6
2024-09-18T09:56:28-04:00 Informational ppp [opt2_link0] rec'd unexpected protocol IPv6

This has happened twice since the update (once at 24.7.1 and once at 24.7.4_1). It seems clear that this is now broken for me.

Some log file snippets from prior to the upgrade, and post upgrade.


EDIT: Nevermind. It just took about 15 minutes for the IPv6 address to show up on the interface. Very slow, and the error message wasn't convincing, but it is there and I have a PD. Thanks for the software!
I have an annoyingly unreliable DSL/PPPoE link to upstream. It loses signal fairly regularly and needs to reauthenticate and rebuild the interface.

DPinger does NOT like this. Every time, since about the 23.7 series, I have to manually restart the dpinger processes (ipv4 and ipv6 monitors) monitoring the status of the link. The link itself comes back very reliably - a blessing I suppose - but dpinger is convinced its dead. I have previously solved this by monitoring the dpinger processes - but those don't seem to actually terminate anymore, just the monitoring.

Log file:

2024-01-05T16:52:27-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_DHCP6 (Addr: 2607:xxxx Alarm: down -> none RTT: 11.6 ms RTTd: 3.2 ms Loss: 0.0 %)
2024-01-05T16:52:15-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_PPPOE (Addr: 206.x.x.x Alarm: down -> none RTT: 11.5 ms RTTd: 1.3 ms Loss: 0.0 %)
2024-01-05T16:52:15-05:00 Notice dpinger Reloaded gateway watcher configuration on SIGHUP
2024-01-05T16:52:15-05:00 Notice dpinger Reloaded gateway watcher configuration on SIGHUP
2024-01-05T16:52:14-05:00 Warning dpinger send_interval 1000ms loss_interval 4000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 0 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 0ms loss_alarm 0% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr 2607:xxxx bind_addr 2607:x:x:x:x identifier "DSL_DHCP6 "
2024-01-05T16:52:14-05:00 Warning dpinger exiting on signal 15
2024-01-05T16:52:05-05:00 Warning dpinger send_interval 1000ms loss_interval 4000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 0 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 0ms loss_alarm 0% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr 206.x.x.x bind_addr 69.x.x.x identifier "DSL_PPPOE "
2024-01-05T16:52:05-05:00 Warning dpinger exiting on signal 15
2024-01-05T16:20:58-05:00 Notice dpinger Reloaded gateway watcher configuration on SIGHUP
2024-01-05T16:20:57-05:00 Warning dpinger exiting on signal 15
2024-01-05T16:20:37-05:00 Notice dpinger Reloaded gateway watcher configuration on SIGHUP
2024-01-05T16:20:37-05:00 Warning dpinger send_interval 1000ms loss_interval 4000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 0 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 0ms loss_alarm 0% alarm_hold 10000ms dest_addr 206.x.x.x bind_addr 69.x.x.x identifier "DSL_PPPOE "
2024-01-05T16:20:37-05:00 Warning dpinger exiting on signal 15
2024-01-05T16:20:36-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:35-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:35-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:34-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:34-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:33-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:33-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:32-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:32-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:31-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:31-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:30-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:30-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:29-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:29-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:28-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:28-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:27-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:27-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:26-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:26-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:25-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:25-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:24-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:24-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:23-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:23-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:22-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:22-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:21-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:21-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:20-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:20-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:19-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:19-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:18-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:18-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:17-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:17-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:16-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:16-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:15-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:15-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:14-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:14-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:13-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:13-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:12-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:12-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:11-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:11-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:10-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:10-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:09-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:09-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:08-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:08-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:07-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:07-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:06-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:06-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:05-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:05-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:04-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:04-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:03-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:03-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:02-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:02-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:01-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:01-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:00-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:20:00-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:59-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:59-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:58-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:58-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:57-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:57-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:56-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:56-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:55-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:55-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:54-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:54-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:53-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:53-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:52-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:52-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:51-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:51-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:50-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:50-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:49-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:49-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:48-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:48-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:47-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:47-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:46-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:45-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:45-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:44-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:44-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:43-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:43-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:42-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:42-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:41-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:41-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:40-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:40-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:39-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:39-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:38-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:38-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:37-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:37-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:36-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:36-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:35-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:35-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:34-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:34-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:33-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:33-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:32-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:32-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:31-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:31-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:30-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:30-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:29-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:29-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:28-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:28-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:27-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:27-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:26-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:26-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:25-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:25-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:24-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:24-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:23-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:23-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:22-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:22-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_DHCP6 2607:xxxx: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:19:21-05:00 Warning dpinger DSL_PPPOE 206.x.x.x: sendto error: 50
2024-01-05T16:18:39-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_PPPOE (Addr: 206.x.x.x Alarm: loss -> down RTT: 11.2 ms RTTd: 0.9 ms Loss: 33.0 %)
2024-01-05T16:18:39-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_DHCP6 (Addr: 2607:xxxx Alarm: loss -> down RTT: 10.6 ms RTTd: 0.2 ms Loss: 32.0 %)
2024-01-05T16:18:28-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_PPPOE (Addr: 206.x.x.x Alarm: none -> loss RTT: 11.3 ms RTTd: 1.6 ms Loss: 12.0 %)
2024-01-05T16:18:28-05:00 Notice dpinger MONITOR: DSL_DHCP6 (Addr: 2607:xxxx Alarm: none -> loss RTT: 10.6 ms RTTd: 0.2 ms Loss: 12.0 %)
2024-01-05T13:05:42-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_PPPOE (Addr: 206.x.x.x Alarm: down -> none RTT: 10.6 ms RTTd: 0.1 ms Loss: 0.0 %)
2024-01-05T13:05:42-05:00 Notice dpinger ALERT: DSL_DHCP6 (Addr: 2607:xxxx Alarm: down -> none RTT: 10.7 ms RTTd: 0.2 ms Loss: 0.0 %)

At 16:19 the DSL link went down and recycled - it came up at 16:20:36 - right before both dpinger processes died. Except they were still running - monit failed to detect that they had changed state at all.

It seems that dpinger is wedging somehow. How would I go about debugging this situation - I'm pretty sure I can cause this problem fairly easily by just unplugging the phone cable from the DSL modem, but I don't know how to debug. I have "debugging" turned on in the log file but nothing shows up.
Each "LAN" can have it's own "delegated interface". I have 3 "LANs" - two are delegated from one upstream connection, the third is delegated from the other. You can't set it up to "swap".

Think of it like this: I have LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3. I also have WAN1 and WAN2. I have IPv6 on all of them. LAN1 and LAN2 are delegated from WAN1, and LAN3 is delegated from WAN2. This works (it didn't always work, but it does now!).

What you seemed to ask (and what I would like to do too) is that LAN1 and LAN2 prefer WAN1, but if WAN1 becomes unavailable for reasons, they would instead switch over to WAN2 for IPv6. This would require a "floating" delegated interface, so they would usually get an IPv6 from the WAN1 delegated interface, but when WAN1 failure occurs, they would receive an IPv6 from WAN2, something that is currently impossible.

Instead you can do what I discussed - create a "local" IPv6 and use NAT6 to map that onto either WAN1 or WAN2.

I would love this same functionality myself, but at present I don't believe it's possible.

You can do something here by setting up a NAT6 based solution, but that's a deep rabbit hole and quite honestly kinda nasty. Also, I believe it breaks one of the common rules of IPv6 - because you'd use a "LAN local" IPv6 address like fec0::/10 or fd00::/8 (see - you'll find that most devices will NOT prefer this IPv6 connectivity if you also make IPv4 connectivity available, rendering the effort kinda pointless, unless you want to force it on every single device yourself (can you guess what I wasted a lot of time trying to get working?)
I have a static PD from my ISP (yay!) and I'm trying to hand out static IP addresses to server clients via DHCP, so I can keep them accessible, and get nice automations around DNS and stuff.

Unfortunately, the "static PD" is a tad unstable at present, and sometimes things go a bit awry, and I get a different PD from my ISP. When this happens, I notice that a duplicate DHCP server starts up, serving the new PD to my clients, while the existing one is still running!. This is, as you can imagine, causing some serious headaches. I'm not sure why this happens, but it's happened about a few dozen times since IPv6 started being available on my system - about 3 weeks ago.

[root@wall /var/log/system]# ps aux | fgrep dhcp
root     4559   0.0  0.2  31228  17460  -  Is   30Mar23      0:06.65 /usr/local/sbin/dhcp6c -c /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf -p /var/run/ -D
root    16705   0.0  0.2  25764  15032  -  Ss   09:56        0:02.06 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/ --domain (python3.9)
dhcpd   46539   0.0  0.2  25712  13264  -  Ss   09:55        0:00.74 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -chroot /var/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -pf /var/run/ lagg0_vlan1 lagg0_vlan20 lagg0_vlan30 lagg0_vlan40
dhcpd   63528   0.0  0.1  22768  10328  -  Ss   Tue02        0:06.05 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -6 -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -chroot /var/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpdv6.conf -pf /var/run/ lagg0_vlan10
_dhcp   68325   0.0  0.0  13076   2476  -  SCs  Tue10        0:00.71 dhclient: igb2 (dhclient)
dhcpd   96030   0.0  0.1  22768  10332  -  Ss   09:55        0:00.63 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -6 -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -chroot /var/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpdv6.conf -pf /var/run/ lagg0_vlan10
root    96473   0.0  0.0  12756   1860  -  Is   09:55        0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/[97087] (daemon)
root    97087   0.0  0.0  13504   2364  -  S    09:55        0:00.05 /bin/sh /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/
root     9761   0.0  0.0  12748   1996  0  S+   12:38        0:00.00 fgrep dhcp

Here you can see that PID 63528 and 96030 are both serving v6 on the lagg0_vlan10 interface, and I get a random assortment of IPs as a result, depending which one "wins".

I suspect this is a bug, but not sure how I would go about diagnosing it, especially since it's triggered by the upstream interface getting a new PD.
Thanks for your answers. I've added a static IPv6 to the "LAN" side, using the "virtual IPs" mechanism. I can't seem to turn off the automatic "anonymous" address it also gets for itself. This seems to be a common problem for IPv6 actually - everything is always getting the randomized anonymous address, in addition to any "static" IP I assign to it (even if I turn on DHCPv6 for the LAN side and force an IP for the DUID).

Anyway, thanks again, it seems like I'm probably doing this about as well as I can.
Is there a recommended way to handle an IPv6 address assignment for the WAN interface, where I'm receiving a /56 PD from my ISP?

I have a static(!) IPv6 /56 PD from my ISP. The WAN interface receives it correctly from my ISP via DHCPv6, which is great. I also request a regular /128 IP address from my ISP (which I don't believe is static and is not from the PD). I would probably prefer to assign the WAN address from the /56, but I don't know how to do that. Perhaps I just assign a static address? But then, I don't think I can track interface to push the PD down to the "LAN" side, can I?

I've currently set the "LAN" interface to be the ::1 from the PD, which means it can be reached from the internet. But it's not the origin of packets from the firewall to the internet on IPv6 (that is the /128), which makes me slightly uncomfortable.

How is this recommended to be handled. I've seen other posts asking a similar question (getting a PD from ISP, how to assign from it) but never seen an actual answer saying "do this".

22.1 Legacy Series / IPv6 over PPPoE routing
April 03, 2022, 10:57:43 PM
So, I have previously posted on this topic, and it still seems to be a problem even with latest 22.1.4. I have IPv6 available from my DSL provider (TekSavvy), via PPPoE. I can confirm I get an IPv6 address, and prefix delegated from them (via PPPoE IPv4 connection).

However, I never get any routes to the PPPoE connection for IPv6. These are the ONLY two routes related to pppoe0 in the entire route table.

ipv6 fe80::%pppoe0/64 link#17 U NaN 1492 pppoe0 DSL
ipv6 fe80::4262:31ff:fe06:af3c%pppoe0 link#17 UHS NaN 16384 lo0 Loopback

I have a multiwan setup, and the IPv6 routing on the cable connection works fine. I had a problem a few weeks ago with the cable connection however, and the cable connection was fully disabled, so my only connectivity for a couple of weeks was the DSL/PPPoE. This did NOT change anything about IPv6 routing for the PPPoE connection, so I was effectively off IPv6 for this period of time.

My speculation is that something about PPPoE is not updating the routing system when PPPoE fully provisions it's IPv6 route (which happens a short time after IPv4 comes up, because it has to wait for IPv4 connectivity to request the IPv6 information).

How would I go about trying to diagnose this problem?
Unfortunately, unbound hangs when an interface it's listening on explicitly goes away for any reason, which makes this an unreliable setup for me. Also, it still seems to prefer the IPv6 that comes from the "follow interface" of the upstream, rather than anything forced.
Well, yes, I do like being able to keep my client DNS entries up to date automatically, except specific ones I don't want to, like my wall address..
Here's the output of "host" has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has IPv6 address fdeb:df40:8dd7::1 has IPv6 address fec0:1::1 has IPv6 address 2607:f2c0::1909:a443:fa5c:8fb:: has IPv6 address 2607:f2c0::3:: has IPv6 address fe80::4262:31ff:fe06:af3c has IPv6 address 2607:f2c0::200:4262:31ff:fe06:: has IPv6 address 2607:f2c0::204:4262:31ff:fe06:: has IPv6 address fe80::4262:31ff:fe06:af3a

As you can see I have a lot of addresses for the gateway host. The one that is preferred by the LAN is the 2607 one, because it's obviously a public IPv6 address.

I would like to have it ONLY serve the and fec0 addresses. I cannot see any way to do this. I have overrides specifying both of those addresses in the config.