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Messages - floryn29x

am reusit..
ms frumos nikkon
18.7 Legacy Series / monitor clients in the network ?
August 13, 2018, 03:58:58 PM
I wanted to ask you how I could monitor clients in the network. to visualize the webpages they access, and what applications they use with the ability to selectively block users
thank you
18.7 Legacy Series / Facebook WI-FI
August 13, 2018, 03:55:34 PM
I would like to ask if you can implement Facebook WI-FI on the opnsense system
thank you..
please help me in the following situation.
I would like to assign the second IP address (ex: to the LAN interface that I already assigned an IP address (ex:
in the future I would like to assign another ip (ex:
thank you ..
salutare ..
va rog sa ma ajutati in urmatoarea situatie..
as dori ca pe interfata LAN pe care am asignat deja o adresa ip (ex: sa mai asignez si a doua adresa ip (ex:
pe viitor as dori sa asignez inca un ip (ex:
va multumesc ..