22.1 Legacy Series / Re: Loadbalancing - still broken
« on: June 20, 2022, 02:58:30 pm »Quote
I can assure you there is at least one setup mistake at play here
Sorry that doesn't offer many clues - if you suspect a configuration error then perhaps the documentation should make such configurations clearer.
Even so I'm not so sure - simply because the config works in pFSense, of course pFSense could be broken but if so I'm glad it is. To add even further insult the OPNsense insists on using the default gateway even when a 1:1 NAT explicitly says not to. The 'default' gateway is taking priority over everything, even if a specific gateway is stated in the Firewall rules for LAN outgoing traffic it is ignored and traffic exits on the 'default' gateway. Load shaping etc flat out doesn't work
How do I know - because my mail servers are supposed to use one gateway only, no exceptions, 1:1 in place and LAN rules. They don't as confirmed by RFC headers on a receiver which messes up my SPF and DMARC.
I'll do what I can to report but I'll be going back to pFSense unfortunately, I'd rather not because I don't care a lot for the direction Netgate are taking things, but I don't have time to mess with this. I will leave the system set up so that I can play but once I collect everything required for the report I'll be taking OPNsense down.