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Messages - LKaderavek

16.1 Legacy Series / Re: [SOLVED] Routing apple Bonjour
December 21, 2016, 11:46:14 PM

since I've received no answer yet - I tried many configurations on my own.

By now I have installed mdns responder and started it for interfaces LAN, VLAN100 and VLAN101.
((Shall I start it everytime we restart the appliance??))

I built up an interface group for LAN, VLAN100 and VLAN100.

And I setup an any-any rule in every interface to test.

At mdns I see the broadcasts from clients and printers get repeated rightly.

I'm sure only a few steps away from solution.

Can you provide me with screenshots of your rule-set or shall I post mine?



16.1 Legacy Series / Re: [SOLVED] Routing apple Bonjour
December 19, 2016, 10:10:48 PM
Hello Julien,
I'm looking nearly for the same solution to a printer problem...I want to discover printers from Windows and Mac Clients and also mobile devices (smartphones and tablets).

At my environment the printers are on the LAN subnet.
I want to print over WiFi connections.

From print-server over SMB connected printers can print and be managed inter VLAN.

My following Interface-Configuration.
1xLAN (local subnet with servers, desktops and printers)
1x WIFI (Management-Interface for Access Points, Switches)
1x VLAN100 subinterface of WIFI
1x VLAN101 subinterface of WIFI
1x VLAN200 subinterface of WIFI (not allowed for printing)
1x VLAN300 subinterface of WIFI (not allowed for printing)

On which interface did you setup this Any-Any Rule?
On the LAN interface where the printers are??
Or did you setup a floating-rule?

I've already installed the mdns-responder package into box and restarted.
I've tried to activate it for Port 53 and bind interfaces LAN, VLAN100 and VLAN101.
Also I set a floating rule from any to any.

Can you please provide me more information about your solution?



Before I ask my question I will try to get you familiar with the configuration.

OPNsense with 4 IF.
1x WAN1
1x WAN2
1x LAN
1x WiFi

On WiFi there are 4 VLANs configured, VLAN100, VLAN101, VLAN200, VLAN300.

I need to find printers from WiFi devices in VLAN100, VLAN101 which are installed in LAN.

In LAN there's a Windows Server 2012 R2 as Print-Server installed, printers are shared.
If I connect over SMB from the desired VLANs to the print-server I can install printers, print from them, I even get the status data.

But...If I want to discover the printers, which are all installed in LAN (range from .31-.51) I can't get the dns and snmp broadcast over VLAN through opnsense to LAN.

I tried many firewall-ruling, non worked out.
I tried Port-NAT, not working.

I found an UDP relay script from a guy on net, which I can't use, because I can't install required FreeBSD packages to device.

So please tell me, is there a way to get this done??

