Here's the solution in case anyone else ever stumbles across this:
At the OPNsense boot screen, escape to loader prompt (option 3), and type the following VERY CAREFULLY (the screen will be jumbled and characters will appear 2 or 3 times in a row, just ignore screen output and type exactly as follows):
once booted to live environment and logged in (default root/opnsense) run installer:
At the OPNsense boot screen, escape to loader prompt (option 3), and type the following VERY CAREFULLY (the screen will be jumbled and characters will appear 2 or 3 times in a row, just ignore screen output and type exactly as follows):
Code Select
set hint.uart.0.flags=0x0
set hint.uart.1.flags=0x10
set comconsole_speed=115200
set comconsole_port=0x2F8
set console=comconsole
once booted to live environment and logged in (default root/opnsense) run installer:
Code Select