I'm installing OPNsense as virtual on KVM and want to use "OPNsense-18.1.6-OpenSSL-dvd-amd64.iso" as install media, but it boot into live :-(
How can I start the installer script if possible from this ISO?
The install page ( https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/install.html (https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/install.html)) says:
Further down that page it also gives details of how to install to HD:
QuoteIf you have used a CD-ROM, VGA, Serial image without a config import you are by default able to (a) log into the root shell using the user "root" with password "opnsense", or (b) log into the installer using the user "installer" with password "opnsense". The GUI will listen on for user "root" with password "opnsense". Using SSH, the "root" and "installer" users are available as well on IP Note that these install medias are read-only, which means your current live configuration will be lost after reboot.
I still don't get it. Does the install script start if I login as "Installer"?
no, you have to boot the system as a live cd first and then install it... :-\
"have to" sounds so harsh, it has a couple of benefits.
But with 18.7 you will be able to escape to the early config import, type "!", hit enter, type "opnsense-installer", hit enter again and directly install if desired.
What a supprise! Login with "installer" sure does execute the installation program using the live DVD iso image.
franco: It would be nice it that was more clear on the https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/install.html (https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/install.html) page ;-)
It's there... with a big blue !Note, how much clearer do you want it.
If in doubt... RTFM! 8)
talking about harsh...
No, if I was being harsh I wouldn't have used a smiley. :)
Maybe it would be better to just add an option to the menu, as a lot of peeps do not read the docs first.
@Franco, how about a new menu option '99. Run Installer'
+1 for "Run installer" in the console
A bit of context when option "99" went away... https://github.com/opnsense/core/commit/710f00e842
I agree the manual could be more explicit, but the information is all there. It's also displayed on the console that you then log in to....
Welcome! Both `root' and `installer' users are available for system
setup or invoking the installer, respectively. The predefined root
password works for both accounts.
I'm not opposed to change, so my question is simply: what's wrong with the installer user? Why do people keep skipping over messages at the tip of their nose and ask for better manuals at the same time? :)
The "99" option is easily emulated and by "8" and "opnsense-installer" ever since.
It's for users who do not RTFM.... or prompts. 8)
OK then, let's have a "99 - Run installer" which will display "RTF Manual or Prompts" when accessed! :))
Here's the manual part rewritten for clarity. It has a new subsection "Installer Usage", but not a lot of new info in particular other than the option 8 "opnsense-installer" trick.
5 to 1 says you'll still get asked. :)
Ok, let's wait and see.
I admit it's described on the page several places, sorry for that.
But I just didn't understand the meaning of if. Even though the formulation and grammatical is absolutely 100% correct, it just didn't make sense to me at that time. Partly because of the duplicated naming "installer" and partly because I would never expect it would be executed depending on a user-login.
But there will always be people who don't understand a guide, no matter how good it is, I guess this time I was one of them, damn! :-P
Quote from: franco on June 13, 2018, 01:41:46 PM
Here's the manual part rewritten for clarity. It has a new subsection "Installer Usage", but not a lot of new info in particular other than the option 8 "opnsense-installer" trick.
How about calling that section something blindingly obvious like "Install to Hard Disk", using "Installer Usage" doesn't really stand out for me.
Quote from: franco on June 13, 2018, 01:17:59 PM
Welcome! Both `root' and `installer' users are available for system
setup or invoking the installer, respectively. The predefined root
password works for both accounts.
What about?:
THIS SESSION IS IN LIVE CD MODE! Mind the fact that your changes are NOT persistent after a reboot! (!)
One way to change this is to login with 'installer' user in order to trigger the install to local storage.
The predefined 'root' password works for 'installer' user too.
Hmm, more text, less likely read. It drops info about the root user shell usage, too.
We don't want to scroll too far, because from the login prompt you can see which root disk is mounted. It will clearly show it's "Install" or "Nano" for all images we have. We've once had a feature request about it so we added it, but it was never after posted here in the forum for the question so while it's not useless, it doesn't really help if the text is skipped either way. :/
Actually, thinking through about that, and after a few more days, I can say that the info is there, "in your face" enough!
First, RTFM, and second and more than RTFM, RTFS!!! :) (screen)
Can you make the text blink?
If it's bright/bold and blinking and they still can't figure it out then idk.
I have it one more docs pass... let's try to reassess based on 18.7 experiences...
Only if they read the manual first. :P