Does anyone have a idea when to expect the release of version 2.7.8 with the Let's Encrypt wildcard and de acme v2 implementation.
We have 2.7.8 queued up for 18.1.6. I'm not sure if it works automatically tough.
LE is maintained by a community contributor so that's all I can say.
Hi Franco,
Thank's for the response.
I'm issuing wildcard certs with plugin v1.13 without any problems.
Quote from: doug.dimick on March 27, 2018, 10:21:00 PM
I'm issuing wildcard certs with plugin v1.13 without any problems.
I can confirm this, works fine!
Well I'm not. Broken for me on 18.1.5 and 1.13, errors out for 415.
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:56 MST 2018] Please check log file for more details: /var/log/
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:56 MST 2018] _on_issue_err
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:56 MST 2018] Register account Error: {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Invalid Content-Type header on POST. Content-Type must be \"application/jose+json\"","status": 415}
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:56 MST 2018] code='415'
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:56 MST 2018] _ret='0'
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /var/etc/acme-client/home/http.header '
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] _post_url=''
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] POST
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] _ret='0'
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /var/etc/acme-client/home/http.header '
[Thu Mar 29 19:25:55 MST 2018] _post_url=''
Only happens when attempting to register the wildcard. The certificate for the OPNSense webapp was done using just the subdomain and works fine.
[Thu Feb 1 17:50:24 MST 2018] Installing full chain to:/var/etc/acme-client/certs/5a73b3f4bea6a8.46110666/fullchain.pem
[Thu Feb 1 17:50:24 MST 2018] Installing key to:/var/etc/acme-client/keys/5a73b3f4bea6a8.46110666/private.key
[Thu Feb 1 17:50:24 MST 2018] Installing CA to:/var/etc/acme-client/certs/5a73b3f4bea6a8.46110666/chain.pem
[Thu Feb 1 17:50:24 MST 2018] Installing cert to:/var/etc/acme-client/certs/5a73b3f4bea6a8.46110666/cert.pem
[Thu Feb 1 17:50:24 MST 2018] _on_issue_success
It is at least contacting the v2 endpoint for the wildcard so that's good. But something isn't right still.
Don't know exactly what the error message is supposed to mean, but some things to consider:
- The wildcard needs to be entered as an Alt Name, the Common Name should to be set to the parent domain.
Common Name:, Alt Names: * - Wildcard only allows challenge type DNS-01 for validation, not HTTP-01.
I was able to issue two production wildcard certs with OPNsense 18.1.5 / os-acme-client 1.13 ( 2.7.6_2) using the OVH DNS API.
I'm successfully using * as my CN (along with DNS-01 validation).
I'm aware of the requirements, but that isn't the issue. The issue so far as I can tell appears to be the registration request on the V2 servers from the GUI. I can't get the GUI to give me a more indepth log file for Let's Encrypt / ACME, so I'm unclear how to proceed troubleshooting this.
As can be seen:
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:34 MST 2018] Please check log file for more details: /var/log/
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:34 MST 2018] _on_issue_err
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:34 MST 2018] Register account Error: {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Invalid Content-Type header on POST. Content-Type must be \"application/jose+json\"","status": 415}
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:34 MST 2018] code='415'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:34 MST 2018] _ret='0'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /var/etc/acme-client/home/http.header '
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] _post_url=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] POST
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] _ret='0'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /var/etc/acme-client/home/http.header '
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] _post_url=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] HEAD
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] payload='{"contact": ["mailto: redacted@email"], "termsOfServiceAgreed": true}'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] url=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:33 MST 2018] Registering account
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] RSA key
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] _init api for server:
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] Using config home:/var/etc/acme-client/home
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] config file is empty, can not read CA_KEY_HASH
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_cf'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] Check for domain='*.redacted.domain'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_cf'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] Check for domain='redacted.domain'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] Le_LocalAddress
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:32 MST 2018] _on_before_issue
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_VERSION='2'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_NEW_NONCE=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_AGREEMENT=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_REVOKE_CERT=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_NEW_ACCOUNT=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_NEW_ORDER=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_NEW_AUTHZ
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ACME_KEY_CHANGE=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:31 MST 2018] ret='0'
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /var/etc/acme-client/home/http.header '
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] timeout=
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] url=''
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] GET
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] _init api for server:
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] Using ACME_DIRECTORY:
[Thu Apr 5 22:28:30 MST 2018] DOMAIN_PATH='/var/etc/acme-client/home/redacted.domain'
[Thu Apr 5 22:22:36 MST 2018] Cert for *.redacted.domain /var/etc/acme-client/home/*.redacted.domain/*.redacted.domain.cer is not found, skip.
[Thu Apr 5 22:22:36 MST 2018] DOMAIN_PATH='/var/etc/acme-client/home/*.redacted.domain'
[Thu Apr 5 00:00:05 MST 2018] Please check log file for more details: /var/log/
[Thu Apr 5 00:00:05 MST 2018] _on_issue_err
The log file is showing the issue at the registering account step on the V2 server. Personal details redacted to protect the guilty.
I also seem to have some sort of PHP crash issue that may or may not be related to the ACME script that I submitted via the crash reporter.