OPNsense Forum

Archive => 17.7 Legacy Series => Topic started by: roym on September 17, 2017, 09:09:21 PM

Title: Firewall: NAT: Port Forward [SOLVED]
Post by: roym on September 17, 2017, 09:09:21 PM
Hi I am new to OPNsense.

I am trying to open some ports on a fresh install to my web/mail server i created Aliases for the ports and the ip of the server(

Firewall: Aliases: View

Name   Type   Description   Values   

Open_ports   Port(s)      20, 21, 22, 25, 53...   

Severs   Host(s)

Firewall: NAT: Port Forward

If   Proto   Address   Ports   Address   Ports   IP   Ports   Description   

LAN   TCP   *   *   LAN address   443    *   *   Anti-Lockout Rule

WAN   TCP/UDP   WAN address   *   Severs    Open_ports     Severs     Open_ports 

but i can't go to my server from outside of the lan i am getting

A potential DNS Rebind attack has been detected.
Try to access the router by IP address instead of by hostname.   

what i'm doing wrong ?
Thanx Roy
Title: Re: Firewall: NAT: Port Forward
Post by: robvh on September 19, 2017, 01:05:12 PM
Hi Roy
Maybe I misunderstand your intention, but ...
- did you intend to forward only traffic from "source address" WAN address?  When you write "go to my server from outside of the lan" I would have expected you mean "any address on the WAN adapter."  So specify "source address" as "*".
- the "destination address" and "port" should be what the remote client specified, so "WAN address" would be my guess.
- the "NAT IP" would be the internal IP where you want to redirect, so "severs" would be my suggestion.
Title: Re: Firewall: NAT: Port Forward
Post by: roym on September 19, 2017, 06:55:46 PM
Hi robvh
thanks for your answer got it working perfect