OPNsense Forum

English Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: zxynax on March 22, 2024, 03:20:16 pm

Title: <SOLVED> Less than half speed upstream through the router
Post by: zxynax on March 22, 2024, 03:20:16 pm
Looking for some guidance here.

And yeah, I'm sure everyone is going to dogpile on the aquantia driver but this is the hardware I have right now and the symptoms just....well it doesn't make sense.

I'm not running anything "fancy" as far as software.  There are 2 10G fiber nics (LAN and DMZ) and 1 10G copper nic (WAN).
I should be ~5Gbps symmetric, which is represented by running the ookla speedtest cli on the router.  But when I run from my desktop it's ~5 down but less than ~2.5 up.  I've jacked in to the fiber modem directly (with desktop) and gotten ~5 symmetric.

I've run iperf3 and not seen any issues.  But once a LAN client wants to upload to the internet the speed is cut dramatically.

Any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Less than half speed upstream through the router, but full speed on router.
Post by: zxynax on March 22, 2024, 09:31:19 pm
Well...didn't see this coming.
It was firefox.    I don't use it unless I'm proxying some sort of traffic that I don't want being applied system wide.  But yeah. CLI version of the speed test shows solid expected throughput.  Whole lot of banging my head against everything for nothing.