OPNsense Forum

English Forums => 24.1 Production Series => Topic started by: sepahewe on February 22, 2024, 03:53:44 pm

Title: No GUI after conversion to ZFS
Post by: sepahewe on February 22, 2024, 03:53:44 pm

I followed https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=24174.0

First I upgraded to 24.1.2, then I followed the steps in the above thread. I got no errors during the “conversion install” and the installer found my config. Once I rebooted, I can’t connect using GUI or ssh. I can ping the firewall. Unbound responds to client queries. My old config is in place.

Logged in through the console (IPMI) I see that all services are running, they are listening on the right IPs and ports according to sockstat. I can ping internet and name resolution works.

Connecting to UI from my browser on my client gives nothing, just a request timeout. Doing, on the firewall, “fetch —no-verify-hostname https://localhost:443” gives me the login page so lighttp works, just not from my LAN. A wireshark capture shows just the SYN from my client, no response at all.

I thought maybe something in the install failed so I tried to do “pkg update -f” but get timeouts. Having searched the forum I tried ping with 1500 and 10000 and they both work. A borked ipv6 seems a common cause so I tried adding ipv6_network_interfaces=“none” but no luck.

Having been through the ringer before with changed nic names, I’ve verified that all interfaces still have the same names.

I’m running out of ideas what’s going on here and would very much appreciate any suggestions on which direction to look.

I’m sorry I couldn’t attach log files from above tried commands, but I’m stuck to my tethered iPad  :)
Title: Re: No GUI after conversion to ZFS
Post by: sepahewe on February 22, 2024, 08:04:54 pm
Hi all,

i tried to find the reason for as long as I could, but eventually ran out of time before I had to have it up again. The problem was smarter than me  :)

I had to find another way forward and chose to reinstall fresh and restore my config backup. That worked like a charm.

Unfortunately I learned only two things:
Title: Re: No GUI after conversion to ZFS
Post by: franco on February 23, 2024, 09:14:12 am
You may have to turn Intrusion detection IPS mode off if you want to reinplace install from a 24.1 image (if that is your issue).
