After ugprading to 24.1 I have received an error in System > Firmware > Plugin > os-wireguard (missing)
Yeah, small omission on our end. You can just reset the conflict and that's solved. Operationally it doesn't matter.
They said once "why doesn't the config.xml remember the installed plugins?" years ago... Because it is a never-ending feature request... that's why ;)
How can the conflict resolved/reset/cleaned?
I see this at the upgrade log:
- opnsense-24.1 [OPNsense] conflicts with os-wireguard-2.6 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/inc/
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
haproxy26: 2.6.16_1
openssl111: 1.1.1w
os-wireguard: 2.6
wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1 [OPNsense]
Deinstalling os-wireguard-2.6...
Deleting files for os-wireguard-2.6: .......... done
Reinstalling wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1...
Extracting wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1: .... done
Checking all packages: .....
os-sensei-1.16.2: missing file /usr/local/zenarmor/output/archive/.placeholder
System > Firmware > Status
The rightmost button, something plugins or so, pop open the menu, select the "reset" action at the bottom.
Hmm, the tree options don't solve the "issue"...
Reset all local conflicts. Check screenshot attached.
the message os-wireguard (missing) is solved.
Now i see at the plugin section: os-sensei-db (missing)
But the "reset" option don't solve this message...?!
You'd have to ask Zenarmor...
Thanks guys i removed those folders:
The i clicked remove local conflicts and the message was fixed :-)
Auto resolve did not work, but the Reset option appears to deregister it and cleared the issue. Wireguard VPN clients still working after testing. Thank you.
Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
Auto-resolve tries to reinstall missing, but since it's no longer there it's not going to resolve it that way.
Hello everybody,
I just upgraded to 24.1.
After the Upgrade I had the same issue with wireguard, solved by running "remove local conflicts".
I understand, that wireguard moved to "Packages" as "wireguard-kmod".
I have two opnsense instances running.
One shows wireguard-kmod in packages, the other does not.
Nevertheless wireguard is up and running.
How can I be sure/ make wireguard visible in the packages section again?
Wireguard in now in core, no need for the kmod, it has been removed during the upgrade.
Can you post a health check on the machine where it still shows up ?
this is the health check from the box, which is showing wireguard-kmod:
Thank you for looking into it!
Currently running OPNsense 24.1_1 at Thu Feb 1 14:33:55 CET 2024
>>> Root file system: /dev/gpt/rootfs
>>> Check installed kernel version
Version 24.1 is correct.
>>> Check for missing or altered kernel files
No problems detected.
>>> Check installed base version
Version 24.1 is correct.
>>> Check for missing or altered base files
No problems detected.
>>> Check installed repositories
>>> Check installed plugins
os-apcupsd 1.1
os-chrony 1.5_1
os-realtek-re 1.0
os-theme-rebellion 1.8.9
os-wol 2.4_2
>>> Check locked packages
No locks found.
>>> Check for missing package dependencies
Checking all packages: .......... done
>>> Check for missing or altered package files
Checking all packages: .........
squid-langpack- missing file /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
Checking all packages.... done
>>> Check for core packages consistency
Core package "opnsense" has 68 dependencies to check.
Checking packages: ..................................................................... done
additonally I'm posting the upgrade.log
apcupsd-3.14.14_4: already unlocked
beep-1.0_2: already unlocked
ca_root_nss-3.93: already unlocked
choparp-20150613_1: already unlocked
chrony-4.5: already unlocked
cpdup-1.22: already unlocked
cpustats-0.1: already unlocked
curl-8.5.0: already unlocked
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28_1: already unlocked
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28: already unlocked
ddclient-3.11.2_1: already unlocked
dhcp6c-20230530: already unlocked
dnsmasq-2.89_1,1: already unlocked
dpinger-3.3: already unlocked
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.47.0: already unlocked
easy-rsa-3.1.7: already unlocked
expat-2.5.0: already unlocked
expiretable-0.6_2: already unlocked
filterlog-0.7_1: already unlocked
flock-2.37.2: already unlocked
flowd-0.9.1_3: already unlocked
gettext-runtime-0.22.3: already unlocked
glib-2.78.3,2: already unlocked
gmp-6.3.0: already unlocked
gnutls-3.7.10: already unlocked
hostapd-2.10_8: already unlocked
hyperscan-5.4.0: already unlocked
ifinfo-13.0_1: already unlocked
iftop-1.0.p4: already unlocked
indexinfo-0.3.1: already unlocked
isc-dhcp44-relay-4.4.3P1: already unlocked
isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1: already unlocked
ivykis-0.42.4_1: already unlocked
jansson-2.14: already unlocked
json-c-0.17: already unlocked
krb5-1.21.2: already unlocked
ldns-1.8.3: already unlocked
libargon2-20190702: already unlocked
libcbor-0.10.2: already unlocked
libcjson-1.7.16: already unlocked
libedit-3.1.20230828,1: already unlocked
libevent-2.1.12: already unlocked
libffi-3.4.4: already unlocked
libfido2-1.14.0: already unlocked
libiconv-1.17: already unlocked
libidn2-2.3.4: already unlocked
libltdl-2.4.7: already unlocked
liblz4-1.9.4,1: already unlocked
libmcrypt-2.5.8_3: already unlocked
libnet-1.3,1: already unlocked
libnghttp2-1.58.0: already unlocked
libpfctl-0.8: already unlocked
libpsl-0.21.2_4: already unlocked
libsodium-1.0.18: already unlocked
libtasn1-4.19.0: already unlocked
libucl-0.8.2: already unlocked
libunistring-1.1: already unlocked
libxml2-2.10.4_2: already unlocked
libyaml-0.2.5: already unlocked
lighttpd-1.4.73: already unlocked
lzo2-2.10_1: already unlocked
monit-5.33.0: already unlocked
mpd5-5.9_17: already unlocked
mpdecimal-2.5.1: already unlocked
nano-7.2: already unlocked
nettle-3.9.1: already unlocked
nspr-4.35: already unlocked
nss-3.95: already unlocked
ntp-4.2.8p17_1: already unlocked
oniguruma-6.9.9: already unlocked
openldap26-client-2.6.6: already unlocked
openssh-portable-9.6.p1_1,1: already unlocked
openssl111-1.1.1w: already unlocked
openvpn-2.6.8_1: already unlocked
opnsense-23.7.12_5: already unlocked
opnsense-installer-24.1: already unlocked
opnsense-lang-23.7.11: already unlocked
opnsense-update-23.7.10_1: already unlocked
os-apcupsd-1.1: already unlocked
os-chrony-1.5_1: already unlocked
os-ddclient-1.20: already unlocked
os-realtek-re-1.0: already unlocked
os-theme-rebellion-1.8.9: already unlocked
os-wireguard-2.6: already unlocked
os-wol-2.4_2: already unlocked
p11-kit-0.25.3: already unlocked
p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.27: already unlocked
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079: already unlocked
pam_opnsense-19.1.3: already unlocked
pcre-8.45_3: already unlocked
pcre2-10.42: already unlocked
perl5-5.36.3_1: already unlocked
pftop-0.10: already unlocked
php82-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-ctype-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-curl-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-dom-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-filter-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-gettext-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-google-api-php-client-2.4.0: already unlocked
php82-ldap-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-mbstring-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-pcntl-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-pdo-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-pear-1.10.13: already unlocked
php82-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1: already unlocked
php82-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6: already unlocked
php82-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2: already unlocked
php82-phalcon-5.3.1: already unlocked
php82-phpseclib-3.0.34: already unlocked
php82-session-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-simplexml-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-sockets-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-sqlite3-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-xml-8.2.14: already unlocked
php82-zlib-8.2.14: already unlocked
pkcs11-helper-1.29.0_1: already unlocked
pkg-1.19.2_1: already unlocked
py39-Babel-2.14.0: already unlocked
py39-Jinja2-3.1.2: already unlocked
py39-aioquic-0.9.24: already unlocked
py39-anyio-4.2.0: already unlocked
py39-async_generator-1.10: already unlocked
py39-attrs-23.1.0: already unlocked
py39-boto3-1.34.7: already unlocked
py39-botocore-1.34.7: already unlocked
py39-bottleneck-1.3.7_1: already unlocked
py39-certifi-2023.11.17: already unlocked
py39-cffi-1.16.0: already unlocked
py39-charset-normalizer-3.3.2: already unlocked
py39-cryptography-41.0.7_2,1: already unlocked
py39-cython-0.29.37: already unlocked
py39-dateutil-2.8.2: already unlocked
py39-dnspython-2.4.2,1: already unlocked
py39-duckdb-0.8.1: already unlocked
py39-exceptiongroup-1.2.0: already unlocked
py39-h11-0.14.0: already unlocked
py39-h2-4.1.0: already unlocked
py39-hpack-4.0.0: already unlocked
py39-httpcore-1.0.2: already unlocked
py39-httpx-0.26.0: already unlocked
py39-hyperframe-6.0.0: already unlocked
py39-idna-3.6: already unlocked
py39-jmespath-1.0.1: already unlocked
py39-markupsafe-2.1.3: already unlocked
py39-netaddr-0.10.1: already unlocked
py39-numexpr-2.8.8: already unlocked
py39-numpy-1.25.0_4,1: already unlocked
py39-openssl-23.2.0,1: already unlocked
py39-outcome-1.3.0_1: already unlocked
py39-pandas-2.0.3,1: already unlocked
py39-pyasn1-0.5.0: already unlocked
py39-pyasn1-modules-0.3.0: already unlocked
py39-pycparser-2.21: already unlocked
py39-pylsqpack-0.3.18: already unlocked
py39-pysocks-1.7.1: already unlocked
py39-pytz-2023.3,1: already unlocked
py39-requests-2.31.0: already unlocked
py39-s3transfer-0.10.0: already unlocked
py39-service-identity-23.1.0: already unlocked
py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1: already unlocked
py39-six-1.16.0: already unlocked
py39-sniffio-1.3.0: already unlocked
py39-sortedcontainers-2.4.0: already unlocked
py39-sqlite3-3.9.18_7: already unlocked
py39-trio-0.24.0: already unlocked
py39-typing-extensions-4.9.0: already unlocked
py39-tzdata-2023.4: already unlocked
py39-ujson-5.9.0: already unlocked
py39-urllib3-1.26.18,1: already unlocked
py39-vici-5.9.11: already unlocked
py39-yaml-6.0.1: already unlocked
python39-3.9.18: already unlocked
radvd-2.19_2: already unlocked
readline-8.2.7: already unlocked
realtek-re-kmod-199.00_1: already unlocked
rrdtool-1.8.0_3: already unlocked
samplicator-1.3.8.r1_1: already unlocked
sqlite3-3.44.0_1,1: already unlocked
squid-6.6: already unlocked
squid-langpack- already unlocked
strongswan-5.9.13: already unlocked
sudo-1.9.15p5: already unlocked
suricata-6.0.15: already unlocked
syslog-ng-4.4.0: already unlocked
unbound-1.19.0: already unlocked
wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1: already unlocked
wol-0.7.1_4: already unlocked
wpa_supplicant-2.10_10: already unlocked
zip-3.0_1: already unlocked
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
pkg-static: Repository OPNsense has a wrong packagesite, need to re-create database
Fetching meta.conf: . done
Fetching packagesite.pkg: .......... done
Processing entries: .......... done
OPNsense repository update completed. 854 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (190 candidates): .......... done
Processing candidates (190 candidates): .......... done
Checking integrity... done (3 conflicting)
- openssl-3.0.12_2,1 conflicts with openssl111-1.1.1w on /usr/local/bin/c_rehash
- suricata-stable-6.0.15 conflicts with suricata-6.0.15 on /usr/local/bin/suricata
- opnsense-24.1_1 conflicts with os-wireguard-2.6 on /usr/local/etc/inc/
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 195 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
Installed packages to be REMOVED:
openssl111: 1.1.1w
os-wireguard: 2.6
suricata: 6.0.15
New packages to be INSTALLED:
boost-libs: 1.83.0_1
icu: 74.2,1
kea: 2.4.1
log4cplus: 2.1.1
openssl: 3.0.12_2,1
suricata-stable: 6.0.15
Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
chrony: 4.5 -> 4.5_1
cpdup: 1.22 -> 1.22_1
cyrus-sasl: 2.1.28_1 -> 2.1.28_4
expat: 2.5.0 -> 2.5.0_1
expiretable: 0.6_2 -> 0.6_3
flock: 2.37.2 -> 2.37.2_1
gettext-runtime: 0.22.3 -> 0.22.3_1
glib: 2.78.3,2 -> 2.78.4,2
hostapd: 2.10_8 -> 2.10_9
iftop: 1.0.p4 -> 1.0.p4_1
libargon2: 20190702 -> 20190702_1
libedit: 3.1.20230828,1 -> 3.1.20230828_1,1
libffi: 3.4.4 -> 3.4.4_1
libiconv: 1.17 -> 1.17_1
libidn2: 2.3.4 -> 2.3.4_2
liblz4: 1.9.4,1 -> 1.9.4_1,1
libmcrypt: 2.5.8_3 -> 2.5.8_4
libpsl: 0.21.2_4 -> 0.21.2_5
libxml2: 2.10.4_2 -> 2.11.6
opnsense: 23.7.12_5 -> 24.1_1
opnsense-update: 23.7.10_1 -> 24.1
os-ddclient: 1.20 -> 1.20_1
p11-kit: 0.25.3 -> 0.25.3_1
pam_opnsense: 19.1.3 -> 24.1
pcre: 8.45_3 -> 8.45_4
php82: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-ctype: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-curl: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-dom: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-filter: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-gettext: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-ldap: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-mbstring: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-pcntl: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-pdo: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-session: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-simplexml: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-sockets: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-sqlite3: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-xml: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
php82-zlib: 8.2.14 -> 8.2.15
pkcs11-helper: 1.29.0_1 -> 1.29.0_2
py39-Jinja2: 3.1.2 -> 3.1.3
py39-dnspython: 2.4.2,1 -> 2.5.0,1
py39-duckdb: 0.8.1 -> 0.9.2
py39-numpy: 1.25.0_4,1 -> 1.25.0_5,1
py39-pandas: 2.0.3,1 -> 2.0.3_1,1
python39: 3.9.18 -> 3.9.18_1
readline: 8.2.7 -> 8.2.7_1
sqlite3: 3.44.0_1,1 -> 3.45.0_1,1
sudo: 1.9.15p5 -> 1.9.15p5_3
zip: 3.0_1 -> 3.0_2
Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
curl-8.5.0 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
krb5-1.21.2 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
ldns-1.8.3 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
libevent-2.1.12 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
libfido2-1.14.0 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
lighttpd-1.4.73 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
monit-5.33.0 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
ntp-4.2.8p17_1 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
openldap26-client-2.6.6 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
openssh-portable-9.6.p1_1,1 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
openvpn-2.6.8_1 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
py39-aioquic-0.9.24 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
py39-cryptography-41.0.7_2,1 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
strongswan-5.9.13 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
syslog-ng-4.4.0 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
unbound-1.19.0 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
wpa_supplicant-2.10_10 (direct dependency changed: openssl)
Number of packages to be removed: 3
Number of packages to be installed: 6
Number of packages to be upgraded: 52
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 134
The process will require 316 MiB more space.
[1/195] Deinstalling openssl111-1.1.1w...
[1/195] Deleting files for openssl111-1.1.1w: .......... done
[2/195] Reinstalling indexinfo-0.3.1...
[2/195] Extracting indexinfo-0.3.1: .... done
[3/195] Reinstalling mpdecimal-2.5.1...
[3/195] Extracting mpdecimal-2.5.1: .......... done
[4/195] Installing openssl-3.0.12_2,1...
[4/195] Extracting openssl-3.0.12_2,1: .......... done
[5/195] Upgrading readline from 8.2.7 to 8.2.7_1...
[5/195] Extracting readline-8.2.7_1: .......... done
[6/195] Upgrading libffi from 3.4.4 to 3.4.4_1...
[6/195] Extracting libffi-3.4.4_1: .......... done
[7/195] Upgrading python39 from 3.9.18 to 3.9.18_1...
[7/195] Extracting python39-3.9.18_1: .......... done
[8/195] Reinstalling py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1...
[8/195] Extracting py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1: .......... done
[9/195] Reinstalling py39-pycparser-2.21...
[9/195] Extracting py39-pycparser-2.21: .......... done
[10/195] Reinstalling py39-pyasn1-0.5.0...
[10/195] Extracting py39-pyasn1-0.5.0: .......... done
[11/195] Reinstalling py39-exceptiongroup-1.2.0...
[11/195] Extracting py39-exceptiongroup-1.2.0: .......... done
[12/195] Reinstalling libunistring-1.1...
[12/195] Extracting libunistring-1.1: .......... done
[13/195] Upgrading libiconv from 1.17 to 1.17_1...
[13/195] Extracting libiconv-1.17_1: .......... done
[14/195] Reinstalling py39-hpack-4.0.0...
[14/195] Extracting py39-hpack-4.0.0: .......... done
[15/195] Upgrading libxml2 from 2.10.4_2 to 2.11.6...
[15/195] Extracting libxml2-2.11.6: .......... done
[16/195] Upgrading libargon2 from 20190702 to 20190702_1...
[16/195] Extracting libargon2-20190702_1: .......... done
[17/195] Reinstalling py39-hyperframe-6.0.0...
[17/195] Extracting py39-hyperframe-6.0.0: .......... done
[18/195] Upgrading libedit from 3.1.20230828,1 to 3.1.20230828_1,1...
[18/195] Extracting libedit-3.1.20230828_1,1: .......... done
[19/195] Reinstalling pcre2-10.42...
[19/195] Extracting pcre2-10.42: .......... done
[20/195] Upgrading gettext-runtime from 0.22.3 to 0.22.3_1...
[20/195] Extracting gettext-runtime-0.22.3_1: .......... done
[21/195] Reinstalling py39-cffi-1.16.0...
[21/195] Extracting py39-cffi-1.16.0: .......... done
[22/195] Reinstalling py39-six-1.16.0...
[22/195] Extracting py39-six-1.16.0: .......... done
[23/195] Reinstalling py39-pysocks-1.7.1...
[23/195] Extracting py39-pysocks-1.7.1: .......... done
[24/195] Reinstalling py39-sniffio-1.3.0...
[24/195] Extracting py39-sniffio-1.3.0: .......... done
[25/195] Reinstalling py39-idna-3.6...
[25/195] Extracting py39-idna-3.6: .......... done
[26/195] Reinstalling py39-typing-extensions-4.9.0...
[26/195] Extracting py39-typing-extensions-4.9.0: .......... done
[27/195] Reinstalling py39-attrs-23.1.0...
[27/195] Extracting py39-attrs-23.1.0: .......... done
[28/195] Upgrading libidn2 from 2.3.4 to 2.3.4_2...
[28/195] Extracting libidn2-2.3.4_2: .......... done
[29/195] Reinstalling py39-cryptography-41.0.7_2,1...
[29/195] Extracting py39-cryptography-41.0.7_2,1: .......... done
[30/195] Reinstalling py39-pyasn1-modules-0.3.0...
[30/195] Extracting py39-pyasn1-modules-0.3.0: .......... done
[31/195] Upgrading py39-numpy from 1.25.0_4,1 to 1.25.0_5,1...
[31/195] Extracting py39-numpy-1.25.0_5,1: .......... done
[32/195] Reinstalling libtasn1-4.19.0...
[32/195] Extracting libtasn1-4.19.0: .......... done
[33/195] Reinstalling krb5-1.21.2...
[33/195] Extracting krb5-1.21.2: .......... done
[34/195] Reinstalling py39-urllib3-1.26.18,1...
[34/195] Extracting py39-urllib3-1.26.18,1: .......... done
[35/195] Reinstalling py39-anyio-4.2.0...
[35/195] Extracting py39-anyio-4.2.0: .......... done
[36/195] Reinstalling libcjson-1.7.16...
[36/195] Extracting libcjson-1.7.16: .......... done
[37/195] Reinstalling py39-h11-0.14.0...
[37/195] Extracting py39-h11-0.14.0: .......... done
[38/195] Upgrading php82 from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[38/195] Extracting php82-8.2.15: .......... done
[39/195] Reinstalling py39-dateutil-2.8.2...
[39/195] Extracting py39-dateutil-2.8.2: .......... done
[40/195] Reinstalling gmp-6.3.0...
[40/195] Extracting gmp-6.3.0: .......... done
[41/195] Upgrading cyrus-sasl from 2.1.28_1 to 2.1.28_4...
*** Updated user `cyrus'.
[41/195] Extracting cyrus-sasl-2.1.28_4: .......... done Shared object "" not found, required by ""
WARNING: Users SASL passwords are in /usr/local/etc/sasldb2.db, keeping this file
[42/195] Reinstalling py39-jmespath-1.0.1...
[42/195] Extracting py39-jmespath-1.0.1: .......... done
[43/195] Upgrading sqlite3 from 3.44.0_1,1 to 3.45.0_1,1...
[43/195] Extracting sqlite3-3.45.0_1,1: .......... done
[44/195] Reinstalling py39-certifi-2023.11.17...
[44/195] Extracting py39-certifi-2023.11.17: .......... done
[45/195] Upgrading glib from 2.78.3,2 to 2.78.4,2...
[45/195] Extracting glib-2.78.4,2: .......... done
[46/195] Reinstalling perl5-5.36.3_1...
[46/195] Extracting perl5-5.36.3_1: .......... done
[47/195] Reinstalling py39-h2-4.1.0...
[47/195] Extracting py39-h2-4.1.0: .......... done
[48/195] Reinstalling py39-httpcore-1.0.2...
[48/195] Extracting py39-httpcore-1.0.2: .......... done
[49/195] Reinstalling libyaml-0.2.5...
[49/195] Extracting libyaml-0.2.5: ......... done
[50/195] Reinstalling py39-service-identity-23.1.0...
[50/195] Extracting py39-service-identity-23.1.0: .......... done
[51/195] Reinstalling nettle-3.9.1...
[51/195] Extracting nettle-3.9.1: .......... done
[52/195] Reinstalling p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079...
[52/195] Extracting p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079: .......... done
[53/195] Upgrading php82-zlib from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[53/195] Extracting php82-zlib-8.2.15: ........ done
[54/195] Reinstalling py39-outcome-1.3.0_1...
[54/195] Extracting py39-outcome-1.3.0_1: .......... done
[55/195] Reinstalling py39-bottleneck-1.3.7_1...
[55/195] Extracting py39-bottleneck-1.3.7_1: .......... done
[56/195] Reinstalling py39-async_generator-1.10...
[56/195] Extracting py39-async_generator-1.10: .......... done
[57/195] Reinstalling libcbor-0.10.2...
[57/195] Extracting libcbor-0.10.2: .......... done
[58/195] Reinstalling py39-openssl-23.2.0,1...
[58/195] Extracting py39-openssl-23.2.0,1: .......... done
[59/195] Reinstalling cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28...
[59/195] Extracting cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28: .......... done
[60/195] Reinstalling libnghttp2-1.58.0...
[60/195] Extracting libnghttp2-1.58.0: .......... done
[61/195] Installing icu-74.2,1...
[61/195] Extracting icu-74.2,1: .......... done
[62/195] Upgrading libmcrypt from 2.5.8_3 to 2.5.8_4...
[62/195] Extracting libmcrypt-2.5.8_4: .......... done
[63/195] Reinstalling py39-sqlite3-3.9.18_7...
[63/195] Extracting py39-sqlite3-3.9.18_7: ........ done
[64/195] Reinstalling py39-sortedcontainers-2.4.0...
[64/195] Extracting py39-sortedcontainers-2.4.0: .......... done
[65/195] Upgrading libpsl from 0.21.2_4 to 0.21.2_5...
[65/195] Extracting libpsl-0.21.2_5: .......... done
[66/195] Reinstalling py39-numexpr-2.8.8...
[66/195] Extracting py39-numexpr-2.8.8: .......... done
[67/195] Reinstalling py39-tzdata-2023.4...
[67/195] Extracting py39-tzdata-2023.4: .......... done
[68/195] Reinstalling py39-pylsqpack-0.3.18...
[68/195] Extracting py39-pylsqpack-0.3.18: .......... done
[69/195] Upgrading php82-xml from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[69/195] Extracting php82-xml-8.2.15: ......... done
[70/195] Reinstalling nspr-4.35...
[70/195] Extracting nspr-4.35: .......... done
[71/195] Upgrading p11-kit from 0.25.3 to 0.25.3_1...
[71/195] Extracting p11-kit-0.25.3_1: .......... done
[72/195] Reinstalling py39-pytz-2023.3,1...
[72/195] Extracting py39-pytz-2023.3,1: .......... done
[73/195] Reinstalling libltdl-2.4.7...
[73/195] Extracting libltdl-2.4.7: .......... done
[74/195] Reinstalling py39-botocore-1.34.7...
[74/195] Extracting py39-botocore-1.34.7: .......... done
[75/195] Reinstalling oniguruma-6.9.9...
[75/195] Extracting oniguruma-6.9.9: .......... done
[76/195] Deinstalling suricata-6.0.15...
[76/195] Deleting files for suricata-6.0.15: .......... done
==> If you are permanently removing this port, run rm -rf /usr/local/etc/suricata to remove configuration files.
[77/195] Reinstalling py39-httpx-0.26.0...
[77/195] Extracting py39-httpx-0.26.0: .......... done
[78/195] Upgrading php82-session from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[78/195] Extracting php82-session-8.2.15: .......... done
[79/195] Reinstalling p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.27...
[79/195] Extracting p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.27: ....... done
[80/195] Installing boost-libs-1.83.0_1...
[80/195] Extracting boost-libs-1.83.0_1: .......... done
[81/195] Reinstalling lzo2-2.10_1...
[81/195] Extracting lzo2-2.10_1: .......... done
[82/195] Reinstalling nss-3.95...
[82/195] Extracting nss-3.95: .......... done
[83/195] Upgrading cpdup from 1.22 to 1.22_1...
[83/195] Extracting cpdup-1.22_1: ..... done
[84/195] Reinstalling py39-markupsafe-2.1.3...
[84/195] Extracting py39-markupsafe-2.1.3: .......... done
[85/195] Reinstalling json-c-0.17...
[85/195] Extracting json-c-0.17: .......... done
[86/195] Reinstalling easy-rsa-3.1.7...
[86/195] Extracting easy-rsa-3.1.7: .......... done
[87/195] Reinstalling ldns-1.8.3...
[87/195] Extracting ldns-1.8.3: .......... done
[88/195] Reinstalling e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.47.0...
[88/195] Extracting e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.47.0: .......... done
[89/195] Upgrading php82-pdo from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[89/195] Extracting php82-pdo-8.2.15: .......... done
[90/195] Reinstalling py39-yaml-6.0.1...
[90/195] Extracting py39-yaml-6.0.1: .......... done
[91/195] Upgrading py39-pandas from 2.0.3,1 to 2.0.3_1,1...
[91/195] Extracting py39-pandas-2.0.3_1,1: .......... done
[92/195] Reinstalling gnutls-3.7.10...
[92/195] Extracting gnutls-3.7.10: .......... done
[93/195] Reinstalling py39-charset-normalizer-3.3.2...
[93/195] Extracting py39-charset-normalizer-3.3.2: .......... done
[94/195] Reinstalling py39-aioquic-0.9.24...
[94/195] Extracting py39-aioquic-0.9.24: .......... done
[95/195] Upgrading php82-mbstring from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[95/195] Extracting php82-mbstring-8.2.15: .......... done
[96/195] Reinstalling libfido2-1.14.0...
[96/195] Extracting libfido2-1.14.0: .......... done
[97/195] Reinstalling libevent-2.1.12...
[97/195] Extracting libevent-2.1.12: .......... done
[98/195] Reinstalling ivykis-0.42.4_1...
[98/195] Extracting ivykis-0.42.4_1: .......... done
[99/195] Reinstalling py39-trio-0.24.0...
[99/195] Extracting py39-trio-0.24.0: .......... done
[100/195] Upgrading liblz4 from 1.9.4,1 to 1.9.4_1,1...
[100/195] Extracting liblz4-1.9.4_1,1: .......... done
[101/195] Upgrading pkcs11-helper from 1.29.0_1 to 1.29.0_2...
[101/195] Extracting pkcs11-helper-1.29.0_2: .......... done
[102/195] Installing log4cplus-2.1.1...
[102/195] Extracting log4cplus-2.1.1: .......... done
[103/195] Reinstalling curl-8.5.0...
[103/195] Extracting curl-8.5.0: .......... done
[104/195] Reinstalling py39-s3transfer-0.10.0...
[104/195] Extracting py39-s3transfer-0.10.0: .......... done
[105/195] Reinstalling jansson-2.14...
[105/195] Extracting jansson-2.14: .......... done
[106/195] Reinstalling hyperscan-5.4.0...
[106/195] Extracting hyperscan-5.4.0: .......... done
[107/195] Reinstalling libpfctl-0.8...
[107/195] Extracting libpfctl-0.8: ...... done
[108/195] Reinstalling libnet-1.3,1...
[108/195] Extracting libnet-1.3,1: .......... done
[109/195] Upgrading pcre from 8.45_3 to 8.45_4...
[109/195] Extracting pcre-8.45_4: .......... done
[110/195] Reinstalling py39-Babel-2.14.0...
[110/195] Extracting py39-Babel-2.14.0: .......... done
[111/195] Reinstalling openldap26-client-2.6.6...
[111/195] Extracting openldap26-client-2.6.6: .......... done
[112/195] Reinstalling php82-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6...
[112/195] Extracting php82-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6: ........ done
[113/195] Reinstalling libucl-0.8.2...
[113/195] Extracting libucl-0.8.2: .......... done
[114/195] Reinstalling libsodium-1.0.18...
[114/195] Extracting libsodium-1.0.18: .......... done
[115/195] Reinstalling php82-pear-1.10.13...
[115/195] Extracting php82-pear-1.10.13: .......... done
[116/195] Upgrading expat from 2.5.0 to 2.5.0_1...
[116/195] Extracting expat-2.5.0_1: .......... done
[117/195] Deinstalling os-wireguard-2.6...
[117/195] Deleting files for os-wireguard-2.6: .......... done
Reloading plugin configuration
[118/195] Reinstalling unbound-1.19.0...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'unbound'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'unbound'.
[118/195] Extracting unbound-1.19.0: .......... done
[119/195] Reinstalling wpa_supplicant-2.10_10...
[119/195] Extracting wpa_supplicant-2.10_10: ....... done
[120/195] Upgrading flock from 2.37.2 to 2.37.2_1...
[120/195] Extracting flock-2.37.2_1: ...... done
[121/195] Reinstalling filterlog-0.7_1...
[121/195] Extracting filterlog-0.7_1: .... done
[122/195] Reinstalling dpinger-3.3...
[122/195] Extracting dpinger-3.3: .... done
[123/195] Reinstalling php82-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1...
[123/195] Extracting php82-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1: ... done
uninstall ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
[124/195] Reinstalling lighttpd-1.4.73...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'www'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'www'.
[124/195] Extracting lighttpd-1.4.73: .......... done
[125/195] Upgrading opnsense-update from 23.7.10_1 to 24.1...
[125/195] Extracting opnsense-update-24.1: .......... done
[126/195] Upgrading hostapd from 2.10_8 to 2.10_9...
[126/195] Extracting hostapd-2.10_9: ....... done
[127/195] Reinstalling flowd-0.9.1_3...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group '_flowd'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user '_flowd'.
[127/195] Extracting flowd-0.9.1_3: .......... done
[128/195] Reinstalling monit-5.33.0...
[128/195] Extracting monit-5.33.0: ....... done
[129/195] Reinstalling realtek-re-kmod-199.00_1...
[129/195] Extracting realtek-re-kmod-199.00_1: .... done
[130/195] Upgrading php82-dom from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[130/195] Extracting php82-dom-8.2.15: .......... done
[131/195] Upgrading php82-simplexml from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[131/195] Extracting php82-simplexml-8.2.15: ......... done
[132/195] Reinstalling ddclient-3.11.2_1...
[132/195] Extracting ddclient-3.11.2_1: ....... done
[133/195] Reinstalling choparp-20150613_1...
[133/195] Extracting choparp-20150613_1: ...... done
[134/195] Reinstalling openvpn-2.6.8_1...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'openvpn'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'openvpn'.
[134/195] Extracting openvpn-2.6.8_1: .......... done
[135/195] Reinstalling cpustats-0.1...
[135/195] Extracting cpustats-0.1: . done
[136/195] Upgrading py39-Jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3...
[136/195] Extracting py39-Jinja2-3.1.3: .......... done
[137/195] Upgrading py39-dnspython from 2.4.2,1 to 2.5.0,1...
[137/195] Extracting py39-dnspython-2.5.0,1: .......... done
[138/195] Upgrading php82-curl from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[138/195] Extracting php82-curl-8.2.15: .......... done
[139/195] Reinstalling php82-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2...
[139/195] Extracting php82-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2: .......... done
[140/195] Reinstalling dnsmasq-2.89_1,1...
[140/195] Extracting dnsmasq-2.89_1,1: .......... done
[141/195] Upgrading py39-duckdb from 0.8.1 to 0.9.2...
[141/195] Extracting py39-duckdb-0.9.2: .......... done
[142/195] Reinstalling rrdtool-1.8.0_3...
[142/195] Extracting rrdtool-1.8.0_3: .......... done
[143/195] Reinstalling dhcp6c-20230530...
[143/195] Extracting dhcp6c-20230530: ........ done
[144/195] Reinstalling py39-requests-2.31.0...
[144/195] Extracting py39-requests-2.31.0: .......... done
[145/195] Reinstalling php82-phalcon-5.3.1...
[145/195] Extracting php82-phalcon-5.3.1: ........ done
[146/195] Reinstalling radvd-2.19_2...
[146/195] Extracting radvd-2.19_2: .......... done
[147/195] Reinstalling isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'dhcpd'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'dhcpd'.
[147/195] Extracting isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1: .......... done
[148/195] Installing suricata-stable-6.0.15...
[148/195] Extracting suricata-stable-6.0.15: .......... done
[149/195] Reinstalling ntp-4.2.8p17_1...
[149/195] Extracting ntp-4.2.8p17_1: .......... done
[150/195] Reinstalling syslog-ng-4.4.0...
[150/195] Extracting syslog-ng-4.4.0: .......... done
[151/195] Reinstalling apcupsd-3.14.14_4...
[151/195] Extracting apcupsd-3.14.14_4: .......... done
[152/195] Reinstalling py39-ujson-5.9.0...
[152/195] Extracting py39-ujson-5.9.0: ......... done
[153/195] Upgrading chrony from 4.5 to 4.5_1...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'chronyd'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'chronyd'.
[153/195] Extracting chrony-4.5_1: .......... done
[154/195] Upgrading php82-ldap from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[154/195] Extracting php82-ldap-8.2.15: ........ done
[155/195] Reinstalling ca_root_nss-3.93...
[155/195] Extracting ca_root_nss-3.93: ...... done
[156/195] Reinstalling py39-vici-5.9.11...
[156/195] Extracting py39-vici-5.9.11: .......... done
[157/195] Reinstalling wol-0.7.1_4...
[157/195] Extracting wol-0.7.1_4: ........ done
[158/195] Installing kea-2.4.1...
[158/195] Extracting kea-2.4.1: .......... done
[159/195] Reinstalling beep-1.0_2...
[159/195] Extracting beep-1.0_2: ..... done
[160/195] Reinstalling php82-google-api-php-client-2.4.0...
[160/195] Extracting php82-google-api-php-client-2.4.0: .......... done
[161/195] Upgrading iftop from 1.0.p4 to 1.0.p4_1...
[161/195] Extracting iftop-1.0.p4_1: ..... done
[162/195] Reinstalling ifinfo-13.0_1...
[162/195] Extracting ifinfo-13.0_1: .... done
[163/195] Upgrading php82-sockets from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[163/195] Extracting php82-sockets-8.2.15: .......... done
[164/195] Upgrading php82-sqlite3 from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[164/195] Extracting php82-sqlite3-8.2.15: ......... done
[165/195] Reinstalling samplicator-1.3.8.r1_1...
[165/195] Extracting samplicator-1.3.8.r1_1: ..... done
[166/195] Upgrading php82-pcntl from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[166/195] Extracting php82-pcntl-8.2.15: ......... done
[167/195] Upgrading expiretable from 0.6_2 to 0.6_3...
[167/195] Extracting expiretable-0.6_3: ... done
[168/195] Reinstalling pkg-1.19.2_1...
[168/195] Extracting pkg-1.19.2_1: .......... done
[169/195] Reinstalling php82-phpseclib-3.0.34...
[169/195] Extracting php82-phpseclib-3.0.34: ......... done
[170/195] Reinstalling openssh-portable-9.6.p1_1,1...
[170/195] Extracting openssh-portable-9.6.p1_1,1: .......... done
[171/195] Upgrading zip from 3.0_1 to 3.0_2...
[171/195] Extracting zip-3.0_2: .......... done
[172/195] Reinstalling mpd5-5.9_17...
[172/195] Extracting mpd5-5.9_17: .......... done
[173/195] Upgrading php82-gettext from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[173/195] Extracting php82-gettext-8.2.15: ........ done
[174/195] Reinstalling py39-boto3-1.34.7...
[174/195] Extracting py39-boto3-1.34.7: .......... done
[175/195] Reinstalling strongswan-5.9.13...
[175/195] Extracting strongswan-5.9.13: .......... done
[176/195] Upgrading sudo from 1.9.15p5 to 1.9.15p5_3...
[176/195] Extracting sudo-1.9.15p5_3: .......... done
[177/195] Upgrading php82-ctype from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[177/195] Extracting php82-ctype-8.2.15: ........ done
[178/195] Reinstalling opnsense-installer-24.1...
[178/195] Extracting opnsense-installer-24.1: .......... done
[179/195] Reinstalling py39-netaddr-0.10.1...
[179/195] Extracting py39-netaddr-0.10.1: .......... done
[180/195] Reinstalling opnsense-lang-23.7.11...
[180/195] Extracting opnsense-lang-23.7.11: .......... done
[181/195] Reinstalling pftop-0.10...
[181/195] Extracting pftop-0.10: ..... done
[182/195] Upgrading pam_opnsense from 19.1.3 to 24.1...
[182/195] Extracting pam_opnsense-24.1: ........ done
[183/195] Reinstalling isc-dhcp44-relay-4.4.3P1...
[183/195] Extracting isc-dhcp44-relay-4.4.3P1: ....... done
[184/195] Upgrading php82-filter from 8.2.14 to 8.2.15...
[184/195] Extracting php82-filter-8.2.15: ......... done
[185/195] Reinstalling os-chrony-1.5_1...
[185/195] Extracting os-chrony-1.5_1: .......... done
configd not running? (check /var/run/
Starting configd.
Reloading plugin configuration
Configuring system logging...done.
Reloading template OPNsense/Chrony: OK
[186/195] Reinstalling wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1...
[186/195] Extracting wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1: .... done
[187/195] Reinstalling os-theme-rebellion-1.8.9...
[187/195] Extracting os-theme-rebellion-1.8.9: .......... done
[188/195] Reinstalling os-wol-2.4_2...
[188/195] Extracting os-wol-2.4_2: .......... done
Stopping configd...done
Starting configd.
Reloading plugin configuration
Configuring system logging...done.
[189/195] Reinstalling os-apcupsd-1.1...
[189/195] Extracting os-apcupsd-1.1: .......... done
Stopping configd...done
Starting configd.
Reloading plugin configuration
Configuring system logging...done.
Reloading template OPNsense/Apcupsd: OK
[190/195] Upgrading os-ddclient from 1.20 to 1.20_1...
[190/195] Extracting os-ddclient-1.20_1: .......... done
Stopping configd...done
Starting configd.
Reloading plugin configuration
Configuring system logging...done.
Reloading template OPNsense/Syslog: OK
Reloading template OPNsense/ddclient: OK
[191/195] Reinstalling nano-7.2...
[191/195] Extracting nano-7.2: .......... done
[192/195] Upgrading opnsense from 23.7.12_5 to 24.1_1...
[192/195] Extracting opnsense-24.1_1: .......... done
Stopping configd...done
Resetting root shell
Updating /etc/shells
Unhooking from /etc/rc
Unhooking from /etc/rc.shutdown
Updating /etc/shells
Registering root shell
Hooking into /etc/rc
Hooking into /etc/rc.shutdown
Starting configd.
>>> Invoking update script 'refresh'
Migrated OPNsense\Firewall\Filter from 0.0.0 to 1.0.3
Migrated OPNsense\Interfaces\VxLan from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
Migrated OPNsense\Interfaces\Neighbor from 0.0.0 to 1.0.0
Migrated OPNsense\Kea\KeaCtrlAgent from 0.0.0 to 0.0.1
Migrated OPNsense\Kea\KeaDhcpv4 from 0.0.0 to 0.0.1
Migrated OPNsense\Routing\Gateways from 0.0.1 to 1.0.0
Writing firmware settings: FreeBSD OPNsense
Writing trust files...done.
Scanning /usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning /usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning /usr/local/share/certs for certificates...
Writing trust bundles...done.
Configuring login behaviour...done.
Configuring system logging...done.
[193/195] Reinstalling squid-6.6...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'squid'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'squid'.
===> Creating homedir(s)
===> Pre-installation configuration for squid-6.6
[193/195] Extracting squid-6.6: .......... done
[194/195] Reinstalling squid-langpack-
[194/195] Extracting squid-langpack- .......... done
pkg-static: Fail to rename /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/.pkgtemp.ERR_ACCESS_DENIED.I2Dzxuwcylfu -> /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/ERR_ACCESS_DENIED:No such file or directory
Looks like the upgrade was not completed on the second one.
Quote[194/195] Extracting squid-langpack- .......... done
pkg-static: Fail to rename /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/.pkgtemp.ERR_ACCESS_DENIED.I2Dzxuwcylfu -> /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/ERR_ACCESS_DENIED:No such file or director
Edit: can't remove squid-langpack without dependencies
There's no use removing a required package by os-squid as it would probably end up removing the web proxy which is probably in use. ;)
Ah forgot about os-squid, I only tried installing squid and it didn't appear to pull the langpack
I've checked the opnsense instance which is not showing "wireguard-mod".
This lists the same packages within upgrade.log
Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
what can I do to "get rif of "wireguard-kmod" in packages? is this of relevance or can it be ignored?
about squid:
I've compared the log of the other box and found this:
Using existing user 'squid'.
===> Creating homedir(s)
===> Pre-installation configuration for squid-6.6
[186/188] Extracting squid-6.6: .......... done
pkg-static: Fail to rename /usr/local/sbin/.pkgtemp.purge.lGBOIJF84C8k -> /usr/local/sbin/purge:No such file or directory
I'm not using a web proxy on either of both installations.
I have the possibility to reinstall from scratch but would like to avoid this.
OPNSense is now running since 2019, applying all updates worked with each step further.
How can I continue to troubelshoot?
Is wireguard-kmod even installed anymore? It was a dependency of os-wireguard at one point but no longer needed unless you installed it manually which makes it "sticky".
As for squid it's probably messing up a few things for the package manager. I've made the cleanup routine more aggressive...
# /usr/local/etc/rc.syshook.d/update/10-refresh
And try again.
thanks franco!
I'v logged in as root, ran
root@OPNsense:/usr/local/etc/rc.syshook.d/update # ./10-refresh
Writing firmware settings: FreeBSD OPNsense
Writing trust files...done.
Scanning /usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning /usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning /usr/local/share/certs for certificates...
Writing trust bundles...done.
Configuring login behaviour...done.
Configuring system logging...done.
rebooted the firewall and ran health report, still getting the squid error:
Currently running OPNsense 24.1_1 at Thu Feb 1 17:12:28 CET 2024
>>> Root file system: /dev/gpt/rootfs
>>> Check installed kernel version
Version 24.1 is correct.
>>> Check for missing or altered kernel files
No problems detected.
>>> Check installed base version
Version 24.1 is correct.
>>> Check for missing or altered base files
No problems detected.
>>> Check installed repositories
>>> Check installed plugins
os-apcupsd 1.1
os-chrony 1.5_1
os-ddclient 1.20_1
os-realtek-re 1.0
os-theme-rebellion 1.8.9
os-wol 2.4_2
>>> Check locked packages
No locks found.
>>> Check for missing package dependencies
Checking all packages: .......... done
>>> Check for missing or altered package files
Checking all packages: .........
squid-langpack- missing file /usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af/ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
Checking all packages.... done
>>> Check for core packages consistency
Core package "opnsense" has 68 dependencies to check.
Checking packages: ..................................................................... done
I've checked the dir content of "/usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af"
and get this, "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED" is not there:
root@OPNsense:/usr/local/share/squid-langpack/af # ls -la
total 180
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 3584 Feb 1 13:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 48 root wheel 1024 Nov 17 17:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1320 Feb 25 2023 ERR_ACL_TIME_QUOTA_EXCEEDED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1639 Feb 25 2023 ERR_AGENT_CONFIGURE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1598 Feb 25 2023 ERR_AGENT_WPAD
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1156 Feb 25 2023 ERR_CACHE_ACCESS_DENIED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1314 Feb 25 2023 ERR_CACHE_MGR_ACCESS_DENIED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1477 Feb 25 2023 ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1399 Feb 25 2023 ERR_CONFLICT_HOST
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1175 Feb 25 2023 ERR_CONNECT_FAIL
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1030 Feb 25 2023 ERR_DIR_LISTING
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1267 Feb 25 2023 ERR_DNS_FAIL
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1209 Feb 25 2023 ERR_ESI
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1179 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FORWARDING_DENIED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1063 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_DISABLED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1148 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_FAILURE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1157 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_FORBIDDEN
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1306 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_NOT_FOUND
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 716 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_PUT_CREATED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1261 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_PUT_ERROR
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 720 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_PUT_MODIFIED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1137 Feb 25 2023 ERR_FTP_UNAVAILABLE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1278 Feb 25 2023 ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1268 Feb 25 2023 ERR_ICAP_FAILURE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1852 Feb 25 2023 ERR_INVALID_REQ
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1275 Feb 25 2023 ERR_INVALID_RESP
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1394 Feb 25 2023 ERR_INVALID_URL
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1125 Feb 25 2023 ERR_LIFETIME_EXP
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1090 Feb 25 2023 ERR_NO_RELAY
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1296 Feb 25 2023 ERR_ONLY_IF_CACHED_MISS
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1083 Feb 25 2023 ERR_PRECONDITION_FAILED
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1122 Feb 25 2023 ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1179 Feb 25 2023 ERR_READ_ERROR
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1238 Feb 25 2023 ERR_READ_TIMEOUT
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1432 Feb 25 2023 ERR_SECURE_CONNECT_FAIL
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1056 Feb 25 2023 ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1176 Feb 25 2023 ERR_SOCKET_FAILURE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1355 Feb 25 2023 ERR_TOO_BIG
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1077 Feb 25 2023 ERR_UNSUP_HTTPVERSION
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1106 Feb 25 2023 ERR_UNSUP_REQ
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1084 Feb 25 2023 ERR_URN_RESOLVE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1181 Feb 25 2023 ERR_WRITE_ERROR
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1074 Feb 25 2023 ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 7409 Feb 25 2023 error-details.txt
I've compared this to the other opnsense.
Here I don't have "squid-langpack" dir within /usr/local/share/
My idea was to copy "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED" from there.
wireguard-kmod is still available.
Initially (in 2019) wireguard was installed through plugin section as a plugin.
I did not install wireguard-kmod manually or "locked" it.
So in any case wireguard-kmod is safe to remove:
# pkg remove wireguard
And reinstall squid-langpack... the cleanup cleans up the garbage that pkg leaves behind which breaks itself later...
# opnsense-revert squid-langpack
Thanks franco!
squid error is gone!
pkg remove wireguard throws:
root@OPNsense:~ # pkg remove wireguard
No packages matched for pattern 'wireguard'
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
1 packages requested for removal: 0 locked, 1 missing
wireguard-kmod still there.
I'm afk for today and check back tomorrow noon CET.
Sorry, obviously it needs to be this:
# pkg remove wireguard-kmod
;D obviously!
it worked, thanks a lot!
i have the same problem after the update to 24.1 that this wireguard error came up when booting.
fatal Terror uncaught class opnsense\wireguard\Server not found in /usr/local/etc/inc/
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/etc/inc/plugins. Inc(106): wireguard_devices()
#1 /usr/local/etc/inc/ plugins_devices()
#2 /usr/local/etc/rc.bootup(74): is_interface_mismatch()
#3 {Main} thrown in /usr/local/etc/inc/ on line 104
enter full path of shell or Return for /bin/sh
only it should be different for me. the boot process is completely cancelled from this moment on. i can neither access via lan nor via wan. i have no internet connection. i can only work via console.
I have
pkg remove wireguard
pkg remove wireguard-plugin
pkg remove wireguard-kmod
and i got the message
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
1 packages requested for removal: 0 locked, 1 missing
how can I solve this problem?
Do a health audit and reinstall the "opnsense" package. You clearly have missing files.