OPNsense Forum

English Forums => Zenarmor (Sensei) => Topic started by: palmekiller on December 31, 2023, 11:00:17 am

Title: cant select assigned wan interface on zenarmor.
Post by: palmekiller on December 31, 2023, 11:00:17 am
cant select my assigned wan interface for zenarmor.
have worked perfect until yesterday (after a reboot).

when if I change the wan interface to one of the interface the zenarmor can identify it will not work.
So i guess its something in a config thats messing things up. If its the opnsense config or the zenarmors config I dont know.

on the images igb2 is my interface assigned to be the wan interface.

I have uninstalled (deleted all files) zenarmor
I have "factory reseted" the zenarmor packetengine.

nothing seems to be working.
Title: Re: cant select assigned wan interface on zenarmor.
Post by: IHK on December 31, 2023, 11:09:10 am
Wan interfaces (OpnSense) are also filtered and interfaces as default gateway, this is because opnsense wan interfaces are also filtered by suricata.
Zenarmor and suricata use netmap and both do not work on the same interface!
To avoid a network problem Zenarmor does not allow you to protect these interfaces

For detailed information you can visit the link below.

Title: Re: cant select assigned wan interface on zenarmor.
Post by: palmekiller on December 31, 2023, 02:23:56 pm
Yes of course.
I forgot that, I was so sure that i had configured the wan interface for zenarmor.
But it was the lan interface.

Hours wasted - thanks :)