OPNsense Forum

English Forums => Tutorials and FAQs => Topic started by: fcmircea on November 23, 2023, 03:08:55 pm

Title: Samba share times out through OPNSense LAN and not throug comm router LAN
Post by: fcmircea on November 23, 2023, 03:08:55 pm
So I have the following set-up:
LAN1 with OPNSense box as a router (1 WAN interface from ISP1, 1 LAN interface which is a bridge of 3 ports set up using https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/lan_bridge.html)
- 1 client running windows 10 wired connection ( - dhcp lease)
- 1 ubuntu box with a samba share wired connection( -dhcp lease)

LAN2 with Com router (ASUS) - wan from ISP2
- same win10 as above but with a wireless connection ( - dhcp lease)
- same ubuntu box with the same samba share ( - dhcp lease)

I am facing an issue where the same samba share times out / takes a very long time to show directory listing on LAN1 from the win10 client (I can see the destination ip and the share name but opening it times out and explorer freezes), whereas on LAN2, the same share via wireless works perfectly fine.

I am selectively disconnecting / deactivating nics on the win10 box to check this scenario.

The OPNsense box has pretty basic rules set, listed below:

- 32400 wan port forward to lan client for plex

What rules do I need to add so that all lan traffic is alowed / considered safe as a first step (to make sure there's nothing wrong on the samba box itself) something like "allow all" and then what ports, protocols do I need to forward inside the LAN so that the share works?

I would like to add that for LAN1, I used to have another comm router instead of the opnsense box and it used to work just as good as LAN1, which pinpoints to some setting in the firewall / rules for opnsense.

Title: Re: Samba share times out through OPNSense LAN and not throug comm router LAN
Post by: fcmircea on November 23, 2023, 08:47:52 pm
A couple of restarts later and things are... fine.

Will update if the issue resurfaces.