OPNsense Forum

English Forums => Virtual private networks => Topic started by: Sopor on September 27, 2023, 04:57:43 am

Title: OpenVPN (Shared key) site to site - Can't connect to internet through the server
Post by: Sopor on September 27, 2023, 04:57:43 am
I'm trying to get OPNsense_C (OpenVPN Client) to connect to OPNsense_S (OpenVPN Server) and make OPNsense_C use OPNsense_S to connect to the internet.

I have manage to connect them both with OpenVPN and the OPNsense_C can ping computers on the OPNsense_S , but whatever i do, it can't get OPNsense_C to connect to the internet through OPNsense_S.

It is a bit confusing if i should add rules on Floating, LAN, OpenVPN, S2S_VPN (the vpn interface) or the WAN.

I have tried to find some kind of help/guide, but i haven't manage to find any. :(

I know ASUS routers have an option for it (Client will use VPN to access: Internet and local network), so assume it is possible to get this to work on OPNsense too?

I haven't tried the new "Instances" in OPNsense, because it is giving me a headache. I don't see how this should make it easier to create OpenVPN servers and clients. It is way more confusing than the old way.

I did tried "Instances", but i gave up after a couple of hours.

I know it is hard to guide someone else's network, but some kind of guidance would be really appreciated.

First i need a rule on the Client to get the computers to use the VPN connection and i think i have manage to get that to work. :)

The problem is on the Server side, how do i get the computers connect to internet on the Server side?

All kind of help is appreciated, big or small.

Maybe you have manage to find some instructions or can point me in the right direction?

I'm not giving up that easy, but now I'm stuck here and need some help.