OPNsense Forum

English Forums => Virtual private networks => Topic started by: j_s on September 01, 2023, 10:17:49 pm

Title: No zerotier interfaces
Post by: j_s on September 01, 2023, 10:17:49 pm
Hello everyone.  So I decided to replace my boot device in opnsense with a mirrored set with ZFS.  I was on the last version of 23.1, and since 23.7 had just come out, I made the choice to go ahead and install 23.7 and then import my config file.  I figured it would be smooth sailing.

Not so much.

Zerotier has been broken since that day.  I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot since it was a low priority, but nwo I need to get it working again.

Looking in the WebGUI of opnsense under the Zerotier section, everything looks normal.

However the zerotier interfaces are not being created.  ifconfig doesn't show them.  I then went to Interfaces -> Assignments and opt7 and opt8 (my two zerotier interfaces) show as "missing" (which I already knew) but I can't get them to be recreated.

I tried uninstalling and reinstall the os-zerotier plugin along with reboots.  I've even installed several of the opnsense updates (along with appropriate reboots) and the interfaces are still not being created.

I also tried creating a new network to see if it would create a new interface.  Still no.  I'm at a loss to know how to either recreate the interfaces that I had or have it create new ones.

I will say that if I log into the Zerotier website to look at device last login, my opnsense box is over 30 days since last login, corresponding with when I did the reinstall.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: No zerotier interfaces
Post by: j_s on September 04, 2023, 09:34:22 am
Okay, so I fixed it. I believe the system was all messed up because I had told the interfaces to "prevent interface removal".  Here's what I did:

1.  Uninstalled Zerotier plugin.
2.  Went to the interfaces and unchecked the "prevent interface removal" for each of the zerotier interfaces I had.
3.  Removed the interfaces from the system.
4.  Reinstalled Zerotier plugin.
5.  Reconfigured everything as necessary in the WebGUI.  This included adding the interfaces again, etc.
6.  Went into zerotier's website and added the "new" device to the appropriate network and removed the "old" device from the appropriate network.

I can't remember why I checked 'prevent interface removal' in the first place.  I think there was some odd stuff with zerotier making a new interface on every reboot or every update or something, and instead of having to add my "new" device to the network every time, I simply prevent its removal.