OPNsense Forum

Archive => 23.1 Legacy Series => Topic started by: iperryindigex on August 22, 2023, 07:31:32 pm

Title: Failing to update repository on business repo
Post by: iperryindigex on August 22, 2023, 07:31:32 pm
I have a pair of firewalls that have the same issue (they're HA). They're both running 22.10.2_1. When checking for updates, they try to find the non-business repository (22.7) and fail. Any guidance on this would be appreciated.

Currently running OPNsense 22.10.2_1 (amd64/OpenSSL) at Tue Aug 22 12:21:29 CDT 2023
Fetching subscription information, please wait... done
Fetching changelog information, please wait... done
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: . done
Fetching packagesite.pkg: .......... done
Processing entries: .......... done
OPNsense repository update completed. 826 packages processed.
Updating SunnyValley repository catalogue...
pkg: https://updates.sunnyvalley.io/opnsense/FreeBSD:13:amd64/22.7/OpenSSL/latest/meta.txz: Not Found
repository SunnyValley has no meta file, using default settings
pkg: https://updates.sunnyvalley.io/opnsense/FreeBSD:13:amd64/22.7/OpenSSL/latest/packagesite.pkg: Not Found
pkg: https://updates.sunnyvalley.io/opnsense/FreeBSD:13:amd64/22.7/OpenSSL/latest/packagesite.txz: Not Found
Unable to update repository SunnyValley
Error updating repositories!
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Your packages are up to date.
Title: Re: Failing to update repository on business repo
Post by: newsense on August 23, 2023, 03:52:37 am
Unsure how Zenarmor manages their repos, for now it seems only 23.1 and 23.7 are active.



Best course of action would be to backup Zenarmor and OPNsense config, uninstall Zenarmor, upgrade to 23.4.x and reinstall Zenarmor and restore the configuration.

You might want to ask Zenarmor directly any other questions regarding your setup - there's a dedicated subforum here where they're active --- it's doubtful they're gonna see this thread
Title: Re: Failing to update repository on business repo
Post by: franco on August 23, 2023, 08:22:32 am
> When checking for updates, they try to find the non-business repository (22.7) and fail.

Zenarmor is not coupled to the business edition so this is what I would expect (looking for 22.7).

As newsense pointed out the reason this may not be working is that Zenarmor already removed its support for 22.7.

I'd recommend deinstalling os-sunnyvalley plugin which gets rid of trying to reach the defunct repository. For extra safety deinstall the os-sensei package as well so that the upgrade process will not be interfered with by third party packages (not knowing when these were last updated and might be missing a vital upgrade that we do not offer).

Title: Re: Failing to update repository on business repo
Post by: iperryindigex on August 23, 2023, 02:58:10 pm
Thanks, all. For some reason the whole sunnyvalley/zenarmor connection didn't click in my head until it was pointed out.