Hi, this ticket is just being put here so that someone knows that this is an issue. I've logged them before and some weird answer that results in no help, a closed ticket and therefore with a closed ticket nobody ever gets the message that there's a bug to be fixed.
So I thought I'd put this here so that there is something open that can be referred to for a future version.
If there is a more appropriate bug tracker that I should put this in, please advise before closing this ticket as closing this ticket is obviously completely unhelpful.
Plenty of people have posted messages about this. Failing that, as much as I prefer opnsense, I will unfortunately need to move to the dark side - PFSense, which I understand does have this feature working.
I am just going to add here, that it's possible I am wrong of course.
The thing that breaks it for me is enabling reflection for port forwards. What I mean is the internet web sites cannot be accessed any longer after enabling this. I assume this is happening because I have standard 80/443 port fowarded.
My understanding grows. :D
So in this case, is there a way around this? I mean I have web servers but clearly if I port forward 443 this apparently will mean I can't use 443 when browsing the web?
OK so I've figured out I can disable nat reflection for just those two rules 80 and 443. And now I can browse again. I am left wondering what this means though. I.e for other ports - any port that is enabled for NAT reflection no longer can be used to access anything on the internet side? Is that normal?
Perhaps I need to rename this ticket now.