OPNsense Forum

Archive => 23.1 Legacy Series => Topic started by: juantxorena on April 30, 2023, 11:28:29 AM

Title: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on April 30, 2023, 11:28:29 AM
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to migrate from the working-but-soon-to-be-deprecated dyndns service to the new-but-barely-working ddclient for the 4th or 5th time. I'm using cloudflare with a DNS token and dual stack.

If I use the ddclient backend, it works, but it doesn't work dual stack, so it's useless for me. If I try the opnsense backend, which apparently supports dual stack, it refuses to start. I have applied the patch f920b48a94, as suggested in this link (https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=32014.msg162767#msg162767), but it doesn't fix anything.

I would like to post some logs or something, but there's nothing, nor in the ddclient logs, nor in the backend logs, nor in the console. If I try to start it from the console with /usr/local/sbin/pluginctl -s ddclient start it says Service `ddclient' has been started. but it doesn't really do it. /usr/local/sbin/pluginctl -s ddclient status says ddclient is not running.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: julsssark on April 30, 2023, 05:26:37 PM
What version of opnsense are you running? Using 23.1.6 with CloudFlare token and ddclient backend, I needed to turn verbose logging on in order to see anything happening. I am not using IP v6.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on April 30, 2023, 09:07:54 PM
Quote from: julsssark on April 30, 2023, 05:26:37 PM
What version of opnsense are you running? Using 23.1.6 with CloudFlare token and ddclient backend, I needed to turn verbose logging on in order to see anything happening. I am not using IP v6.

I'm using the last version, and verbose logging is on
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: julsssark on April 30, 2023, 09:33:21 PM
I could not get the OPNsense backend to work with a CloudFlare token using only v4. It would generate this error:

Account XXX [cloudflare - XXX ddns] error receiving ZoneID [[{"code": 6003, "message": "Invalid request headers", "error_chain": [{"code": 6102, "message": "Invalid format for X-Auth-Email header"}, {"code": 6103, "message": "Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header"}]}]]
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on April 30, 2023, 10:16:02 PM
That looks like a different problem. I don't get any log or info.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: dcol on April 30, 2023, 11:08:41 PM
Scrap os-ddclient. Doesn't work. Use the legacy plug-in. Every time it gets updated it gets worse. I had to switch back. Going with ddclient is a losing battle. I heard next OPNsense release the devs are removing the legacy from the repository. Big mistake. Get it while you can.

Excuse me, but why are the devs getting rid of something that just works with a piece of garbage code that barely works. Doesn't make sense to me.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 01, 2023, 08:28:45 PM
Quote from: dcol on April 30, 2023, 11:08:41 PM
Scrap os-ddclient. Doesn't work. Use the legacy plug-in. Every time it gets updated it gets worse. I had to switch back. Going with ddclient is a losing battle. I heard next OPNsense release the devs are removing the legacy from the repository. Big mistake. Get it while you can.

Excuse me, but why are the devs getting rid of something that just works with a piece of garbage code that barely works. Doesn't make sense to me.

Yeah, OK, whatever, ddclient is here to stay, so I would like to migrate. Any help?
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: chemlud on May 01, 2023, 09:42:49 PM
Don't trust the logs. Check on the portal of your dynDNS service or via pingin your domain name if the update works. I downgrade ddclient for the time being, but the package  lock will not survive the 23.7 upgrade...

Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 01, 2023, 10:18:27 PM
Quote from: chemlud on May 01, 2023, 09:42:49 PM
Don't trust the logs. Check on the portal of your dynDNS service or via pingin your domain name if the update works. I downgrade ddclient for the time being, but the package  lock will not survive the 23.7 upgrade...

As I said in the post title, other than there are no logs, it doesn't even start, so it's not doing anything in the server.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: chemlud on May 01, 2023, 11:10:20 PM
yepp, I know, iirc franco posted a patch some days ago to get it starting. simply use the original ddclient. Dual stack? No use here. :D
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: franco on May 02, 2023, 07:08:00 AM
> As I said in the post title, other than there are no logs, it doesn't even start, so it's not doing anything in the server.

What is this based on? A red light in a GUI widget?

The bug really only applies there, not even the ddclient MVC page. And I don't see any ps output backing up the claim further.

In any case 23.1.7 will be out this week with said fix.

Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 03, 2023, 07:14:45 PM
Quote from: franco on May 02, 2023, 07:08:00 AM
> As I said in the post title, other than there are no logs, it doesn't even start, so it's not doing anything in the server.

What is this based on? A red light in a GUI widget?

Well, yes. What else?

Quote from: franco on May 02, 2023, 07:08:00 AM
The bug really only applies there, not even the ddclient MVC page. And I don't see any ps output backing up the claim further.

I would have posted a ps output if I was asked. Here's it then, output of ps axu. Note the lack of anything ddclient related:
root@firewall:~ # ps axu
root       11 378.2  0.0      0     64  -  RNL  26Apr23 39508:32.50 [idle]
root    40771   1.4  1.6 198336 131912  -  S    26Apr23   121:43.52 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/unbound/logger.py (python3.9)
root    39846   0.2  0.4  61568  35932  -  S    Sun11       0:03.42 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root        0   0.0  0.0      0   1488  -  DLs  26Apr23   176:18.33 [kernel]
root        1   0.0  0.0  11408   1016  -  SLs  26Apr23     0:00.11 /sbin/init
root        2   0.0  0.0      0     64  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [KTLS]
root        3   0.0  0.0      0     80  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [crypto]
root        4   0.0  0.0      0     32  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [cam]
root        5   0.0  0.0      0    944  -  DL   26Apr23    10:03.96 [zfskern]
root        6   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     5:58.45 [pf purge]
root        7   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     2:21.09 [rand_harvestq]
root        8   0.0  0.0      0     48  -  DL   26Apr23     1:24.25 [pagedaemon]
root        9   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [vmdaemon]
root       10   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [audit]
root       12   0.0  0.0      0    256  -  WL   26Apr23     8:16.94 [intr]
root       13   0.0  0.0      0     48  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.05 [geom]
root       14   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.00 [sequencer 00]
root       15   0.0  0.0      0     80  -  DL   26Apr23     0:06.29 [usb]
root       16   0.0  0.0      0     80  -  DL   26Apr23     0:25.57 [bufdaemon]
root       17   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:08.28 [syncer]
root       18   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:06.05 [vnlru]
root       20   0.0  0.4  52924  30520  -  I    Sun11       0:01.42 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root       29   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.19 [aiod1]
root       30   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.19 [aiod2]
root       31   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.19 [aiod3]
root       32   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   26Apr23     0:00.19 [aiod4]
root      446   0.0  0.0  11448   1524  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.43 /sbin/devd
root     4170   0.0  0.2  23736  12480  -  S    Sun10       0:57.02 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/sbin/configctl -e -t 0.5 system event config_changed (python3.9)
dhcpd    4236   0.0  0.2  29424  14188  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.76 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -6 -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -chroot /var/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpdv6.conf -pf /var/run/dhcpdv6.pid igb2_vlan10 igb2_vlan50 igb2_vlan30
root     4750   0.0  0.2  23972  12588  -  S    Sun10       0:52.02 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/syslog/lockout_handler (python3.9)
root     5666   0.0  0.4  61440  35224  -  S    Sun11       0:02.17 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root     6043   0.0  0.0  12756   2228  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.01 daemon: /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/prefixes.sh[7154] (daemon)
root     7154   0.0  0.0  13504   2644  -  S    26Apr23     0:12.67 /bin/sh /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/prefixes.sh
root     8237   0.0  0.0  12924   2508  -  ICs  26Apr23     0:18.59 /usr/sbin/rtsold -p /var/run/rtsold.pid -M /var/etc/rtsold_script.sh -O /var/etc/rtsold_script.sh -R /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/interfaces/rtsold_resolvconf.sh -a -u -D
root     9933   0.0  0.0  12920   2456  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.00 rtsold: rtsold.llflags (rtsold)
root    10377   0.0  0.0  12920   2452  -  Is   26Apr23     0:01.17 rtsold: rtsold.script (rtsold)
root    11312   0.0  0.0  12920   2440  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.00 rtsold: rtsold.sendmsg (rtsold)
root    11597   0.0  0.0  12920   2596  -  Is   26Apr23     0:24.87 rtsold: system.syslog (rtsold)
root    14092   0.0  0.0  12796   2536  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.08 /usr/local/sbin/dhcp6c -c /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf -p /var/run/dhcp6c.pid -D
root    18271   0.0  0.1  18060   6716  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.00 sshd: /usr/local/sbin/sshd [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups (sshd)
root    22046   0.0  0.0  12648   2112  -  SC   19:10       0:00.00 sleep 20
root    22657   0.0  0.1  21172   8304  -  S    26Apr23     0:28.61 /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/lighty-webConfigurator.conf
root    23182   0.0  0.3  49148  23560  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.07 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root    24060   0.0  0.3  49148  23620  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.09 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root    25543   0.0  0.1  22208   7936  -  I    26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng -f /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf -p /var/run/syslog-ng.pid
root    26386   0.0  0.2  43400  13228  -  Ss   26Apr23     6:09.06 /usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng -f /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf -p /var/run/syslog-ng.pid
unbound 35192   0.0  0.9 213772  75356  -  Is   26Apr23    18:36.19 /usr/local/sbin/unbound -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf
root    35818   0.0  0.4  61440  35192  -  I    Sun11       0:00.53 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root    40203   0.0  0.0  12756   2228  -  Is   26Apr23     0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/unbound/logger.py[40771] (daemon)
dhcpd   45393   0.0  0.1  25712  11648  -  Is   26Apr23     0:01.61 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -chroot /var/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -pf /var/run/dhcpd.pid igb1 igb2 igb2_vlan50 igb2_vlan30 igb2_vlan20 igb2_vlan10 igb2_vlan128
root    47067   0.0  0.0  13072   3100  -  Ss   26Apr23     2:52.32 /usr/local/sbin/filterlog -i pflog0 -p /var/run/filterlog.pid
root    50987   0.0  0.0  12724   2476  -  Is   26Apr23     0:17.87 /usr/local/sbin/radvd -p /var/run/radvd.pid -C /var/etc/radvd.conf -m syslog
root    53488   0.0  0.4  57340  34588  -  I    19:08       0:00.87 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root    64134   0.0  0.0  12848   2572  -  Ss   19:09       0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron -s
root    67758   0.0  0.0  12752   2244  -  Ss   26Apr23     5:30.52 /usr/sbin/powerd -b hadp -a hadp -n hadp
root    69030   0.0  0.4  59388  35336  -  I    Sun11       0:04.31 /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
root    82358   0.0  0.2  25764  15496  -  Ss   26Apr23     5:08.99 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/dhcp/unbound_watcher.py --domain lan (python3.9)
root    86837   0.0  0.1  21780   6980  -  Ss   26Apr23     2:06.26 /usr/local/sbin/ntpd -g -c /var/etc/ntpd.conf
root    91516   0.0  0.3  36260  23460  -  Is   Sun10       0:03.58 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/service/configd.py (python3.9)
root    96165   0.0  0.1  18436   7788  -  Ss   19:09       0:00.09 sshd: root@pts/0 (sshd)
root    96356   0.0  0.5  82488  41000  -  S    Sun10       1:11.10 /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/service/configd.py console (python3.9)
root    98209   0.0  0.0      0     64  -  DL   26Apr23     0:01.79 [ng_queue]
root    98510   0.0  0.1  23912   6924  -  Ss   26Apr23     0:19.72 /usr/local/sbin/mpd5 -b -d /var/etc -f mpd_wan.conf -p /var/run/pppoe_wan.pid -s ppp pppoeclient
root     2339   0.0  0.1  14700   4256 u0- I+   26Apr23     1:00.02 /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/wg-quick up wg0
root     4714   0.0  0.0  12676   2336 u0- I+   26Apr23     0:03.10 route -n monitor
root    45053   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v0  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
root    45319   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v1  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
root    45331   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v2  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
root    45504   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v3  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv3
root    46184   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v4  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv4
root    47056   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v5  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv5
root    48029   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v6  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv6
root    48129   0.0  0.0  12780   2284 v7  Is+  26Apr23     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv7
root    20227   0.0  0.0  13812   4064  0  S    19:09       0:00.04 /bin/csh
root    22075   0.0  0.0  13372   3088  0  R+   19:10       0:00.00 ps axu
root    97475   0.0  0.0  13504   3068  0  Is   19:09       0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/opnsense-shell

Quote from: franco on May 02, 2023, 07:08:00 AM
In any case 23.1.7 will be out this week with said fix.

I will report after the update, and then open a new post when still doesn't work.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: franco on May 03, 2023, 07:47:46 PM
Not sure, could be a configuration issue leading to faulty configuration... And this?

# service ddclient_opn start

Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 03, 2023, 08:29:11 PM
Quote from: franco on May 03, 2023, 07:47:46 PM
Not sure, could be a configuration issue leading to faulty configuration... And this?

# service ddclient_opn start


# service ddclient_opn start
Cannot 'start' ddclient_opn. Set ddclient_opn_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 'onestart' instead of 'start'.

If I do onestart:
# service ddclient_opn onestart
Starting ddclient_opn.

but then:
# service ddclient_opn onestatus
ddclient_opn is not running.

As I said, the same config works with ddclient backend (but no dual stack, so no bueno)

Edit: ddclient was disabled. I just enabled it, and now "start" and "status" work, but with the same result.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: abulafia on May 04, 2023, 10:30:36 AM
Quote from: julsssark on April 30, 2023, 09:33:21 PM
I could not get the OPNsense backend to work with a CloudFlare token using only v4. It would generate this error:

Account XXX [cloudflare - XXX ddns] error receiving ZoneID [[{"code": 6003, "message": "Invalid request headers", "error_chain": [{"code": 6102, "message": "Invalid format for X-Auth-Email header"}, {"code": 6103, "message": "Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header"}]}]]

I think that "Invalid format for X-Auth-Email header" indicates that you are not using Cloudflare "token" service (if token auth is used, it would read something like "bearer authentication").

You need to use username "token" (literally "token"!) or leave it empty to use the token authorisation. DO NOT USE YOUR CLOUDFLARE EMAIL / USERNAME!
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: julsssark on May 04, 2023, 05:23:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I am using "token" as the user name. I just tried it with 23.1.7 and I receive the same error. It is working fine with ddclient backend. I am not sure if the OPNsense backend supports CloudFlare tokens.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: antsh415 on May 04, 2023, 07:51:29 PM
The opnsense backend works with Cloudflare if you use the Global API token as the password.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: julsssark on May 04, 2023, 08:08:56 PM
I am using API tokens and not the global API key.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 04, 2023, 09:30:00 PM
No offense, but can you start.a new topic with your problem instead of using this one, which has nothing to do?
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: julsssark on May 04, 2023, 11:30:25 PM
Except that your original post said you were trying to use the CloudFlare API token with the OPNsense backend. My point was that even if you get the service started, it may still not work.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: juantxorena on May 05, 2023, 07:00:11 PM
As expected, the recent update 23.1.7 solved absolute nothing. I can paste the same command outputs and ps output if you want.
Title: Re: ddclient with opnsense backend doesn't start
Post by: opnsenseuser on December 15, 2023, 05:58:49 PM
problem still exists / OPNsense 23.7.10_1-amd64

[cloudflare - Cloudflare] error receiving ZoneID [[{"code": 6003, "message": "Invalid request headers", "error_chain": [{"code": 6103, "message": "Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header"}]}]]