OPNsense Forum

Archive => 22.7 Legacy Series => Topic started by: Chrome on October 31, 2022, 09:46:33 pm

Title: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on October 31, 2022, 09:46:33 pm

Just wondering if any members have been successful in getting connected to Proton's VPN service using Wireguard with their OPNsense boxes?

They have support currently for PFsense...but make no mention of OPNsense. Surely, OPNsense's userbase would be big enough for them to warrant support?

What's everyone thoughts?

Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Greelan on November 01, 2022, 12:04:51 am
WireGuard is WireGuard. If it works on pfSense it should work on OPNsense

This may help: https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/wireguard-selective-routing.html
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Koloa on November 01, 2022, 01:02:35 am
I was able to get OPNsense and ProtonVPN working, but, it wasn't as easy as Mullvad, or any other WireGuard setup.

The primary differences that I encountered -- basing my setup off of the Mullvad example in the Docs for OPNsense, including https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/wireguard-client-mullvad.html and https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/wireguard-selective-routing.html were:

It's the setting of the Gateway IP (on your OPNsense box) in a few places that is important to get right, as well as all the other steps outlined in the Mullvad example.   It's a lot of steps, and read carefully as there are a few gotchas.

In the end, I was able to get it working just fine, but it was more picky than other setups.
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on November 04, 2022, 05:10:23 pm
@Koloa Thanks for the direction.

I think I've got the connection with Proton going. I can see the handshake and the status in the WG section of the VPN category. About 5MB received and 10MB sent over the last day or so.

The part I don't think I've got straight is the IPs for the gateway. and the "gotchas" you mentioned in your post.

I do have PIA working with a small subnet of machines being routed via the WG gateway. So, I do have a working example to pull from.

Back to Proton, I've set the gateway IP to in the Gateway -> Single. Was this incorrect? I've tried and of them seem to work.

When I use the gateway is UP.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Koloa on November 05, 2022, 02:07:05 am
What works for me (and your kilometerage may vary), is:

VPN -> WG -> Local -> Proton -> Tunnel Address = (this was in the .conf from Proton)
VPN -> WG -> Local -> Proton -> Gateway Address =
VPN -> WG -> Local -> Proton -> Peers = Whatever endpoint you selected in the .conf generator at Proton - note that you can't fill this field out until you first go to VPN -> WG -> Endpoints and define one.
VPN -> WG -> Local -> Proton -> Disable Routes = ON

For the Endpoint for Proton, I'm permitting as AllowedIPs.

Once you've done the above, you will have to make sure you've clicked "Apply" a few times, as well as stopped and restarted WireGuard.  I've found the best way to do that is NOT from the Dashboard (has not worked for me reliably), but, turning of WG via VPN -> WG -> General, untick, apply, tick, apply.

Before you can set the Single Gateway, you also have to make sure you have enabled the wg Interface for the new connection, and it's not enough just to assign it, you have to make sure it is enabled.

You do this in Interfaces -> Assignments, and from the dropdown select your new WireGuard connection, then click on the Plus symbol to the right, then Save.

Then go BACK to Interfaces and select the new Interface, make sure you've got a good description for it, enable it, and click on Save.  In my case, I make sure that the blocking of private/bogon addresses is disabled.

Then you can go over to System -> Gateways -> Single and define your GW_Proton (or whatever you want to call it).

In my case, it's set to:

Interface: Name of interface from the just defined list in the previous step
Address Family: IPv4
IP address:
Disable gateway monitoring:  OFF
 Far Gateway: ON
Upstream Gateway: OFF
Monitor IP:  Bad choice, makes it seem highly latent where I live, but, it works)

And then click on Save.

Now, with this configuration, the way I understand it, the "disable routes" option in the definition of the Local endpoint means that it won't install the as a route in the routing table for effectively the default.  This means that you will HAVE to use policy based routing to use the Proton VPN tunnel.  You may not want it configured this way, but I did.

From there, you still need to configure outbound NAT rules for this interface, as well as any policy based rules which decide which of your LAN hosts you want to route traffic over the GW_Proton gateway.

Of course, you also have to make sure those routing rules are placed in the right spot in your list of rules...

Hope that helps get you a bit closer!
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: ckishappy on November 05, 2022, 04:48:35 pm
@Chrome, I did the proton vpn setup like @koala outlined and it works fine since Proton made the WG configurations available. The only problem that I have (since switching from Proton OpenVPN to WG) is that the OPNsense system updates and bogon ip updates time out. When I stop WG, the updates go through smoothly.
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on November 06, 2022, 12:10:03 am
@koloa  WOW! That's a great walk though... the best I've seen for Proton and their WG. My issue was more with the creating of the keys and doing that via the CLI. Once I did that properly, WG connected nicely. The routing part seems to be working just fine, now that I switched to the NL servers.
The CLI command: wg pubkey < private > pub 

was "KEY" for me. :-)

I am having issues more with the server (US ones mainly)...the Netherlands ones seem to work better for me. Having said that, I am on the free account... using the free servers...so, fairly certain that might have something to do with it. Looking to switch over to the paid version.

Thanks so much for the write up... I hope many others can benefit from it.

My 2 issues was creating the keys correctly...and didn't seem to have much luck getting a working connection to a FREE US server... it works MUCH better to a FREE NL server. Haven't tested a JP one yet.

Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on November 06, 2022, 12:11:00 am
@Chrome, I did the proton vpn setup like @koala outlined and it works fine since Proton made the WG configurations available. The only problem that I have (since switching from Proton OpenVPN to WG) is that the OPNsense system updates and bogon ip updates time out. When I stop WG, the updates go through smoothly.

@ckishappy Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind for the next update.
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on November 06, 2022, 03:36:15 am
Getting about a 50% - 80% packet loss on the NL server I picked. No packet loss to any other gateway. Leaning towards the free server being the issue.
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: ckishappy on November 06, 2022, 09:14:51 pm
hmm, yes makes sense to try the other (not free) servers as there should be no packet loss. The servers NL#227 - NL#252 seems to be not that loaded in the NL..
Title: Re: OPNsense and Proton VPN (Wireguard)
Post by: Chrome on November 07, 2022, 03:04:10 pm
So, the free servers go up to #158 for NL.

I was able to find a stable server for about 12 hours...so, that gave me a good chance to test and correct. The "stable" server has now gone to 100% packet loss overnight. Was at 0% packet loss yesterday. Anyway...

DNS resolution was causing an issue yesterday for a bit... I tried a couple of firewall rules...but couldn't get that working. So, as long, I manually insert a DNS server ( or or on the workstation, then resolution is fine. If I add a DNS server (incluing to the static DHCP lease... then it also works.

If leave it defaulted to the router's IP for DNS resolution...then it fails.

Couldn't spend anymore time yesterday to figure it out...but I am sure, I am just missing a small something in the firewall rules.