I am running 22.1.8_1 and anytime my WAN gateway (home cable modem) goes down Unbound constantly restarts until the Gateway comes back online. If I have Gateway monitoring enabled, the firewall doesn't recover on its own. I have to either reboot or manually disable/enable the gateway. With Gateway monitoring disabled, the firewall recovers fine. I don't remember this being an issue in previous releases. I changed Unbound network interfaces to All and that didn't help.
Is this behavior expected or are there other changes I can make to stop Unbound from constantly restarting when my cable modem resets. I am dealing with the cable modem resets separately with Optimum but would like to clear this up on the OPNsense side as well.
Running the same version but when my cable modem goes down or I drop enough packets (UGH Cox communications) and the gateway shows it's down it recovers gracefully with no problem.
By default, gateway monitoring is on which is what mine is. I'm assuming you didn't change the monitoring IP or anything like that?
I can't speak to unbound restarting under these conditions as I haven't checked due to having a larger issue of no internet :P Also why do we care if unbound restarts afterwards?
I didn't change the monitoring IP (it is blank). My main concern is that the firewall never recovers when gateway monitoring is on and the WAN comes back online. It seems to be linked to the unbound restarts and python CPU usage.
Unbound only requires a restart when you selected the WAN interface under Unbound settings I think?
At least for me right now it seems to be restarting no matter what interfaces I select. I have tried LAN only and All and in both cases Unbound is restarting. Here is a screen of my Unbound log from this morning during a cable modem reset with the Interface setting with LAN only.
Then maybe clearing interfaces setting is an option?
Some event it clearly triggering it on your network end which OPNsense likely cannot ignore unless you let it.
Do you have anything in Monit monitoring that would trigger?