OPNsense Forum

Archive => 21.1 Legacy Series => Topic started by: random1104 on May 31, 2021, 07:00:05 pm

Title: Dyndns for Godaddy v6 (IPv6/AAAA) failing
Post by: random1104 on May 31, 2021, 07:00:05 pm

I'm trying to setup dynamic dns updates for Godaddy, and it fails not giving much information:

Code: [Select]
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (host.my.domain): 2600:1700:2345:faa0:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ:9065 extracted
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (host.my.domain): running dyndns_failover_interface for wan. found vtnet0
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (host.my.domain via GoDaddy (v6)): _update() starting.
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: calling https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/my.domain/records/AAAA/host with body: [{"data":"2600:1700:2345:faa0:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ:9065","ttl":600}]
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (host.my.domain): _checkStatus() starting.
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (host.my.domain): Current Service: godaddy-v6
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: (Error) HTTPS Status: 0 PAYLOAD:
config[94609]: /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: (Error) Repsonse not handled check the following:
configctl[55659]: event @ 1622478576.40 msg:
config[94609]: config-event: new_config /conf/backup/config-1622478576.4.xml

Anybody has seen this?, I have other 2 firewalls where this works fine for v4
Title: Re: Dyndns for Godaddy v6 (IPv6/AAAA) failing
Post by: marjohn56 on October 13, 2021, 09:25:02 am
Having the same issue, something weird going on. I've tried running the curl command from the shell and get the same error, so thought it might be a 'godaddy' issue. Then I ran a powershell script and that works fine. I get the same issue when using curl from a windows command shell.
Title: Re: Dyndns for Godaddy v6 (IPv6/AAAA) failing
Post by: marjohn56 on October 13, 2021, 01:16:46 pm
OK, update on this. I have it working from a windows command shell. So this command ( I've removed the keys ) -

 curl -s -X PUT "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/queens-park.com/records/AAAA/gateway" -H "Authorization: sso-key key:key" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"data\" : \"xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:4e17:ebff:fe56:1905\"}]"

Works fine on windows, when I run the command from an Opnsense shell I get Unmatched '"'.

Title: Re: Dyndns for Godaddy v6 (IPv6/AAAA) failing
Post by: Ted on November 09, 2021, 04:27:24 pm

I am running OPNsense 21.7.4 at home. My ISP is Cox Communications. They run dual IPv4/IPv6 stacks. My addresses are dynamically allocated. My DNS host is GoDaddy. I set up two Dynamic DNS entries to keep my A and AAAA records updated. The IPv4 entry works correctly. The IPv6 entry fails. Here are the relevant log entries with FQDN and IPv6 Public address obscured:

Code: [Select]
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: (Error) Repsonse not handled check the following:
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: (Error) HTTPS Status: 0 PAYLOAD:
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xxx6.yyyyyyy.zzz): Current Service: godaddy-v6
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xxx6.yyyyyyy.zzz): _checkStatus() starting.
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: calling https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/sawejko.com/records/AAAA/ted6 with body: [{"data":"aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh","ttl":600}]
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xxx6.yyyyyyy.zzz via GoDaddy (v6)): _update() starting.
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xxx6.yyyyyyy.zzz): running dyndns_failover_interface for wan. found em1
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xxx6.yyyyyyy.zzz): aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh extracted
2021-11-09T09:54:50 php-cgi[73998] /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting

I'm not unwilling to work on the issue, but my technical skills are limited. I'd be grateful for any assistance or suggestions.

Thank you
Title: Re: Dyndns for Godaddy v6 (IPv6/AAAA) failing
Post by: marjohn56 on November 09, 2021, 05:31:48 pm
Ted - This appears to be a bug in the php curl function, not in opn itself. I have a working fix for this; it's a hack and there is no way the devs would accept what I've had to do, which is to call curl directly, but just for the godaddyv6 function. It involves replacing the existing phpDynDNS.inc  file in /usr/local/etc/inc/plugins.in.d with the one attached to this message. Copy it over and make sure the permissions are set to 644. You should be fine then, mine is working fine now.