I have found a strange issue on opnsense 20.7.7_1-amd64 when running multiple OpenVPN servers.
The first server seems to work fine but I am finding the second server (configured the same but with different tunnel subnet and port) users can connect to the VPN but none of their traffic is routed.
I have tested this on two separate opnsense instances and both had strange routing/firewall problems with the second OpenVPN server.
Any ideas why this might happen?
did you assign the 2 ovpn interfaces manually and configured fw rules per interface?
Originally I didn't assign interfaces and I set the firewall rules via the OpenVPN group so both vpn servers had the same firewall rules. Doing this connecting to the first vpn traffic was routed, but connecting to the second vpn no traffic appeared to be routed.
I have since tried assigning interfaces for each and setting firewall rules but this had not helped.
It has started working again now, seems that a reboot of opnsense is required after assigning the interfaces otherwise I get strange behaviour. Will confirm this is the same on the other opnsense instance tomorrow.
update: correction this was a different problem. Problem still exists.
It didn't work for long.
I think I have worked out another solution. If I "disable reply-to" on the rules everything works nicely.
An alternative solution seems to be adding the assigned vpn interface to a firewall group and setting the firewall rules here.
Is this a bug or expected?