Hello all,
with OPNsense 20.1, FreeBSD12.1 will be the base system.
Within FreeBSD12.1 the RaspberryPI3 Board is fully supported by BSD.
Further also OPNsense is running on the pi3.
Download site: https://opnsense.rene.network/ (https://opnsense.rene.network/)
(Please don't mirror files!)PLEASE KEEP IN MIND:
- this is not an official OPNsense release, so there is no official support for this image!
- theres no update functionality at the moment!
- this is a git build, there will be bugs!
- this is the not yet released 20.1
Whats working
- it boots
- onboard lan adapter
- usb2lan adapters
- usb wifi adapters
- Grow rootfs on boot
- HDMI Output and usb keyboard
Whats not working:
- onboard Wifi is still not supported by FreeBSD
- Power off causes a reboot (reported by @monstermania)
- Firewall LiveView
- ...
Not confirmed:All the best,
Will your Image support Pi3+ too!?
I tried ipfire on my Pi3+ and it works up to a wan speed of 60 Mbit.
I think that Pi4 and Opnsense should be an interesting option for small soho firewall.
Nice, tools.git is now ready for aarch64 production with the upcoming HBSD patch. Hope that in future Deciso will sell arm-based appliances for a low cost deployment on small premises.
Quote from: monstermania on November 05, 2019, 01:21:32 PM
Will your Image support Pi3+ too!?
I tried ipfire on my Pi3+ and it works up to a wan speed of 60 Mbit.
I think that Pi4 and Opnsense should be an interesting option for small soho firewall.
Can't promise, but i think it should work, the boards aren't that different :-)
Does ipfire support the onboard wlan chip?
Oh yes, RPi4 looks very promising :-)
Quote from: nekoprog on November 05, 2019, 01:31:52 PM
Nice, tools.git is now ready for aarch64 production with the upcoming HBSD patch. Hope that in future Deciso will sell arm-based appliances for a low cost deployment on small premises.
Nearly, when i finished i will create a pr of my tool.git modifications for openssl and miniupnpd ;-)
According arm devices, The Marvell Armada 385 (also known as Netgate SG3100) would be a perfect Device ;-)
Still trying to port opnsense there, but it still wont boot :-(
Quote from: rene_ on November 05, 2019, 01:37:14 PM
Does ipfire support the onboard wlan chip?
The wlan should work. Take a look on this:
I don't use the wlan for my tests and i also only use an 100Mbit USB2LAN adapter.
Does SG3100 boots on normal FreeBSD or HBSD? If it doesn't maybe Netgate installed custom firmware inside. Might want to grab those firmwares from Netgate. Use the Netgate provided .dtb first to see if it works.
Quote from: monstermania on November 05, 2019, 01:49:02 PM
The wlan should work. Take a look on this:
I don't use the wlan for my tests and i also only use an 100Mbit USB2LAN adapter.
well, i see .... ipfire is linux based, so the wifi is supported, sadly there still aren't wifi drivers for freebsd (bsd is not linux)
Just ordered some usb wifi sticks, lets see if they are working within opnsense ;-)
Want to try it with "Wireless WAN"
Quote from: nekoprog on November 05, 2019, 01:52:16 PM
Does SG3100 boots on normal FreeBSD or HBSD? If it doesn't maybe Netgate installed custom firmware inside. Might want to grab those firmwares from Netgate. Use the Netgate provided .dtb first to see if it works.
More or less, i achieved a boot with opnsense 19.7, but there all the Mavell network drivers are missing, so i had no interfaces to assign.
On opnsense 20.1 it stops at the start of the FreeBSD System, but I didn't looked at it closer at the moment.
According the dtb files, theres a dtb file in the stock /boot folder where i cant find any sources in the internet for it, i think that is exactly that :-(
But i have to tell the kernel conf, which dtb file should be included in the kernel, and when i use the Netgate dtb file, the whole build process just crashes.
Will create a issue in github later for better debugging
Quote from: rene_ on November 05, 2019, 02:00:50 PM
Just ordered some usb wifi sticks, lets see if they are working within opnsense ;-)
Want to try it with "Wireless WAN"
In the past i've using some Ralink USB wifi devices with my OPNense (RT2800 and RT5370). But not all tested devices works into ap mode!
And they work only up to 54Mbit
For my purpose, its enough when they support station mode :-)
Also 54 Mbit seems to be enough, because the pi cant handle much more in a openvpn tunnel.
Want to build a "Road warrior box"
i updated first post and added a download link
the cpu bug is fixed, all cores are recognized now.
If anybody owns usb-(w)lan adapters, please let me know, if they are working :)
Nice work! I'm positive we'll iron out the quirks with the ports once HBSD and OPNsense patches are in the src tree.
Thanks :)
Will create a pr when everything is cleaned up, and changes are migrated to the make.conf
About the quirks ... We have to ;)
Most anoying bug, is the "checking if printf survieves out of memory condition" :-\
Should i create an issue then for this?
Hi René,
yesterday i've made a quick test with your image.
1. I can't use a USB2LAN Adapter. The chipset should be supported by FreeBSD (ax88772)
2. 'Power Off' don't work and make a reboot.
Some more testing into the next days...
best regards
Hi Dirk,
thanks for testing :)
I added the requiered kernel modules, its currently compiling, i will upload the new image as soon as its finished.
I also found out, that some usb wlan modules are missing, i added them too, so Ralink wlan sticks should also work with the new image.
About the Poweroff, i will have a look at that, when everything else works :) (But mentioned it in first post, thanks for reporting)
Do you also own a RPi4?
Edit: new image is uploaded: https://opnsense.rene.network/ (https://opnsense.rene.network/)
All the best,
Quote from: rene_ on November 08, 2019, 08:35:44 AM
I added the requiered kernel modules, its currently compiling, i will upload the new image as soon as its finished.
I also found out, that some usb wlan modules are missing, i added them too, so Ralink wlan sticks should also work with the new image.
Do you also own a RPi4?
Sounds Great. :) Especially with the ralink devices because i only get internet by wifi.
I download the nw Image right now.
Right now i don't buy a RPi4, because i only use RPi for Retro Gaming. And the RPi3 has enough Power for my 80's games. :)
Please let me know if its working now :)
Oh, okay ... just asking, because theoretically this image should also run on a pi4, which has a lot more power, but i also don't ordered one yet ^^
Hi René,
on Friday i do another quick test with the new image offered by you.
My USB2LAN Adapter (AX88772B) was recognized and driver was loaded! That is fine. :)
I tried also a RALINK wifi stick (RT5370). The stick are recognized but no driver was loaded! I used the same stick on my x86 hw some time ago. It is supported by the run driver: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?run(4) (https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?run(4))
best regards
Hi Dirk,
thanks for the feedback :)
Regarding wifi ... i thought it should be covered with the rtwn driver ::)
i updated my kernel config, will upload the new image later and inform you :)
(Waiting for black friday to get some nvme ssd's for my build host ;D)
Best regards,
Hi Dirk,
i uploaded the new image: https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12.1%3Aaarch64/20.1/ (https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12.1%3Aaarch64/20.1/)
run driver should now work :)
all the best,
Hi René,
now it seems to work.
My Ralink wifi stick was regognized and driver (run) was loaded. :)
Into gui shows all near wifi networks. Of course only with 802.11g speed. But i have too less time to test connection.
best regards
Good morning Dirk,
thanks a lot for the tests, i am glad that everything seems to work so far, hopefully my wlan adapters will arrive today :)
In the meanwhile i uploaded a new image, and the following stuff changed:
- the image to be written onto the sd card has now only 2GB
- the root filesystem is now automatically resized on first boot
- the package set is updated to the latest source
- source is now fully migrated to freebsd 12.1 stable
All the best,
Hello Rene ;),amazing work. I searched for long time pfsense public arm build compatible with rpi3 and found this post 4 days ago.
is it the latest run driver ? Also, is it possible you add urtw and urtwn drivers :'( ? It seems their are missing, as kldload urtw and kldload urtwn return "not found" error.
Xtools says it is possible to compile kernel only,but how to install it after on rpi3b+ ?
i have just test your latest release on my rpi3b+ and my usb lan appears now. Really great work. :D
Hi Rene,
First off thanks very much for doing this and sharing it with the world. I got the image up and running on my RPi 3 Model B and can see that it is just like the OPNSense instances I have run elsewhere. (I have only recently started labbing with pfSense and OPNSense)
I have connected in a USB to Ethernet device and that was recognise immediately and worked fine (https://plugable.com/products/usb2-e100/ - I got a few of these as they support VLAN tagging with my GNS3 setup)
When I have tried to connect a second one of these it recognises the device but then the system appears to reboot (when watched from the console it just goes blank and then the boot sequence starts). Unfortunately I don't have any other USB NICs to test with. Just thought I would share my experience.
(The reason for having multiple interface was to have a play with the load balancing)
All the best
Just as a precaution about this:
> the image to be written onto the sd card has now only 2GB
The purpose of the minimum 3GB policy is that you have the added benefit of being able to perform upgrades between major versions or even difficult minor version updates. 2GB can and will fail in this regard.
Quote from: deetee on November 14, 2019, 12:52:07 PM
First off thanks very much for doing this and sharing it with the world. I got the image up and running on my RPi 3 Model B and can see that it is just like the OPNSense instances I have run elsewhere. (I have only recently started labbing with pfSense and OPNSense)
Your welcome :)
Quote from: deetee on November 14, 2019, 12:52:07 PM
When I have tried to connect a second one of these it recognises the device but then the system appears to reboot (when watched from the console it just goes blank and then the boot sequence starts). Unfortunately I don't have any other USB NICs to test with. Just thought I would share my experience.
Can you find anythin in the logs after the reboot?
Quote from: origin on November 13, 2019, 08:46:07 PM
is it the latest run driver ? Also, is it possible you add urtw and urtwn drivers :'( ? It seems their are missing, as kldload urtw and kldload urtwn return "not found" error.
Xtools says it is possible to compile kernel only,but how to install it after on rpi3b+ ?
Yes, its the latest run driver.
A first try to build the kernel with urtwn enabled failed, i will look closer in the next days.
To build your own image you need a working build environment, explained here: https://github.com/opnsense/tools (https://github.com/opnsense/tools)
Quote from: franco on November 14, 2019, 01:14:48 PM
The purpose of the minimum 3GB policy is that you have the added benefit of being able to perform upgrades between major versions or even difficult minor version updates. 2GB can and will fail in this regard.
Thanks for the hint, will change that in further builds.
(But the images a build, will anyways resize the root partition on first boot ;) )
Quote from: deetee on November 14, 2019, 12:52:07 PM
...When I have tried to connect a second one of these it recognises the device but then the system appears to reboot (when watched from the console it just goes blank and then the boot sequence starts). Unfortunately I don't have any other USB NICs to test with. Just thought I would share my experience.
Try a stronger power supply (3A). If you have a power supply with variable output, adjust to 5.3V. There is a limit to max. power consumption for USB-ports, at least in raspbian.
I use various raspis with raspbian or opensuse and two USB-RJ45 adapters (in bridge mode) for wiresharking here and there. Never had problems with power on these devices.
Quote from: rene_ on November 15, 2019, 04:05:32 PM
Can you find anythin in the logs after the reboot?
After having seen the information from Chemlud (which is below) the issue was resolved so I haven't been through the logs. Thank you forgetting back to me on this.
Quote from: chemlud on November 15, 2019, 07:54:36 PM
Try a stronger power supply (3A). If you have a power supply with variable output, adjust to 5.3V. There is a limit to max. power consumption for USB-ports, at least in raspbian.
Thank you for this, the power supply I was using was only 750mA, I didn't have a more powerful supply to hand so used a powered USB hub instead and now there are three adapters connected with no issues.
So now I will try to have a proper play with this during the week.
Thanks very much.
Hi René,
i got some trouble to configure the ralink wifi stick as wan connection into OPNsense. In the end i can't connect to wifi networks with wpa/wpa2 encryption. >:(
So configured a new wifi network with no encrytion on my AP. With an open wifi the connection succeed! I get a stable 54Mbit wifi connection on wan. A short speed test shows that the RPI3 goes up to a bit over 20 Mbit up/down. Not too bad for an 54Mbit wifi connection.
Temp. is 50-55°C with a small passive heatsink at the cpu.
I'll test in the next days if the wpa/wpa2 connection problems based on the arm image or i get the same problems on x86 too. In the past i only used this wifi stick into ap mode on my OPNsense.
best regards
PS: I use the original RasPi3 power supply (2,5A). I use a usb2lan and usb wifi stick on my pi. So far no problems.
Hi Dirk,
i already noticed that, and described it here: https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3818 (https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3818)
i have no idea how to fix that currently :(
i use a case with a small fan builtin + heat sink, the raspberry is running smoothly on about 37°C :)
Thank you very much for this port.
I want to add my usb lan adapter, so i could bridge it with the onboard port, for better perfomance.
But i noticed, it doesnt recognize my adapter in opnsense.
When i plug the usb port into the pi, i got there a message like: "ugen0.5: <Realtek USB 10/100/1000 LAN> at usbus0>"
And when i try to asign the interface, it wont show up.
Edit: Firewall - Live View doesnt work
just to be sure, have you tried rebooting it, with plugged in usb lan adapter?
Yes, of course many times.
Plus, i found out, that the interfaces got unstable after an amount of time.
I use the same config on my x64 nettop, and its running two days now, but the raspi lost the connection on the interface right after 1 hour.
Quote from: rene_ on November 08, 2019, 10:45:30 AM
Oh, okay ... just asking, because theoretically this image should also run on a pi4, which has a lot more power, but i also don't ordered one yet ^^
I have a 4GB RPi4, I will let you know if this image works on RPi4.
Bobby Thomas
This is interesting for me too, looking for a nice router box with plenty of power to survive QoS-ing, OpenVPN (Gigabit WAN) and all these from hardware. I think the Pi4 would suit my needs.. just got one for a different project (media player with Volumio) but if OPNSense runs on the Pi4 well, it might be powerful enough for my needs.
Quote from: Vortex on November 25, 2019, 09:27:25 AM
This is interesting for me too, looking for a nice router box with plenty of power to survive QoS-ing, OpenVPN (Gigabit WAN) and all these from hardware. I think the Pi4 would suit my needs.. just got one for a different project (media player with Volumio) but if OPNSense runs on the Pi4 well, it might be powerful enough for my needs.
I don't think that a RasPi4 has enough Power. Especially OpenVPN could be a real showstopper. Take a look on ipfire here: https://wiki.ipfire.org/hardware/arm/rpi/threeplus
OpenVPN with ipfire is less than 30 Mbit on a RasPi 3B+ and AFAIK the RasPi 4 has no further improvment for OpenVPN like AES-NI.
Also the Power Consumption of the RasPi 4 is ~7W. In this Range you also find x86-Systems. But the price tag is very interesting for a RasPi 4.
Quote from: rene_ on November 24, 2019, 07:16:49 PM
just to be sure, have you tried rebooting it, with plugged in usb lan adapter?
Hello, everybody,
I have the same problem as DJ_Mic, my USB-Ethernet adapter (ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179) is not recognized by OPN.
RasPi 3 b+
The adapter works fine on FreeBSD.
Is there a solution ?
Image: https://ibb.co/6FjvHfc
I am currently very busy, i will have a look over the christmas holidays
Okay, thanks for your answer, I hope you find the time.
Wish you a contemplative feast.
Did anyone tried this board with 20.1? http://www.banana-pi.org/r2.html
Downloaded and installed on a Raspberry Pi 3B about a week ago. So far it's working great! Thanks very much for your efforts.
Implemented inside/outside and guest (with captive portal) using a single Ethernet interface with VLAN tagging.
Has anyone gotten this working with a Pi 4 w/ 2GB RAM?
I wrote rene's image OPNsense-201911290406-OpenSSL-arm-aarch64-RPI3.img.gz
to a SD card but my Pi 4 will not boot. Just shows a solid red light.
Supported Devices: RaspberryPI3 (B+): https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD:12.1:aarch64/20.1/
Marvell Armada 38X (Netgate SG3100): https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD:12.1:armv7/20.1/
Hello ,
Thank you for the efforts behind the product. I have a small question may be a lil too kiddish but how do we download this
As in do I need to download all files 1 by 1 and copy it to the memory card of my RPI 3B ?
Do we have some instructions on getting started, like default ID and Password. ANy specefic startup config etc?
I thank you in advance.
I tried this on a RPi4. As others noted nothing happens. There is a particular thing you have to do to the boot image to make RPi4's work. Don't ask me what it is, I have no idea.
I can confirm that the TRENDnet TU2-ET100 USB 2.0 Ethernet adapter works just fine. I got one this morning from my local Microcenter for $14.
I have the usual NATing router setup. Internet is being provided by my Netgear cellphone router (I have a Internet only SIM card). I have also set up an openVPN client connection from the RPi to my home pfSense system connected to 1gbps Verizon FiOS fibre. An Iperf3 test from my laptop in the RPi to my desktop Linux machine on the pfSense comes in at about 25mbps with no compression. Oh, and that was fun. Seems that "no compression" on the RPi OVPN settings does not turn off the compression.
I'm happy! Well done to all involved in this effort. Let me know if I can do some more testing.
Hey @securigeek
Try the images in nightly build directory.
Nightly Built RPI Images (https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12%3Aaarch64/20.1/nightly_images/)
Download the latest nightly image per the link given by spikerguy. then restore the image to an SDCard in the usual RPi manner. Install the card into the RPi and power on.
First time out you'll need a keyboard and screen attached to the Pi. Follow the setup step as if it was a regular PC install and then you are done.
Any tutorial for how to build the image by myself, please?
I tried https://github.com/nekoprog/tools but the boot process always stuck at a kernel panic. I am wondering that it is caused by old HardenedBSD kernel 11, as I found that FreeBSD only supports rpi3 after version 12.
First of all, a big thanks for the work you made here Rene, i ve been pleased to read all that 👍👍
I just put my hand on a pi 4 and i m following the fresh update of openbsd and freebsd on it as they both work now!!! with usb support.
Rene i believed i could make my own image too but after reading your long and hard path i m not so enthousiast at all!!!
I saw you was on new project and probably dont have no more so much time for that but could you just try to build a pi 4 image for all of us pleaaaaaase??? Or at least the way the build one now that you resolved the multiple problems you got to build a working one for pi 3...
Sorry for the noobish question
What image you guys used with the Pi. I have a Pi3B+ and I have downloaded the latest nightly image.
The USB adapter seems to be recognized fine however the internal Ethernet is missing.
What Am I missing. In the initial setup I'm being presented only with 1 interface which is the USB
Thank you
Quote from: Ftz57 on June 16, 2020, 11:38:23 PM
First of all, a big thanks for the work you made here Rene, i ve been pleased to read all that 👍👍
I just put my hand on a pi 4 and i m following the fresh update of openbsd and freebsd on it as they both work now!!! with usb support.
Rene i believed i could make my own image too but after reading your long and hard path i m not so enthousiast at all!!!
Thank you :-)
Quote from: Ftz57 on June 16, 2020, 11:38:23 PM
I saw you was on new project and probably dont have no more so much time for that but could you just try to build a pi 4 image for all of us pleaaaaaase??? Or at least the way the build one now that you resolved the multiple problems you got to build a working one for pi 3...
Yea, more or less, but i am on it.
The current problem is, that freebsd on its own is still not supported for freebsd.
You can track that here -> https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Raspberry%20Pi (https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Raspberry%20Pi)
As soon theres progress, i will start porting opnsense to the pi4, just because i'm interessted at the GBit port performance with opnsense on it ;D 8)
Quote from: rainfactor on June 19, 2020, 02:57:29 AM
Sorry for the noobish question
What image you guys used with the Pi. I have a Pi3B+ and I have downloaded the latest nightly image.
The USB adapter seems to be recognized fine however the internal Ethernet is missing.
What Am I missing. In the initial setup I'm being presented only with 1 interface which is the USB
Thank you
Try the setup walkthrough without any usb adapter, configure the adapter afterwards.
All the best out there,
Hi @rene_
EDIT: It appears this was a layer 8 issue :D After taking a couple minutes to boot up, I got an IP after plugging in my laptop to the ethernet port of the Pi. Thanks @rene_ for all your work on this!
I have finally managed to get a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (lots of supply issue due to corona virus). But unfortunately I don't have much success.
Downloaded the image OPNsense-201911290406-OpenSSL-arm-aarch64-RPI3.img.gz, unzipped it and wrote it to the sdcard from my mac using this command
dd if=OPNsense-201911250722-OpenSSL-arm-aarch64-RPI3.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m conv=sync
After doing this, I put the SDcard into my Pi3B+ but I get solid red light, no image on screen and no IP address if I plug my laptop into the network port. I have also tried Build 201911290406 (the latest one), with the same results. I've also tried several different SDCards too (Samsung Evo Plus 32GB).
Any ideas?
EDIT: It appears this was a layer 8 issue :D After taking a couple minutes to boot up, I got an IP after plugging in my laptop to the ethernet port of the Pi. Thanks @rene_ for all your work on this!
Thank you :-)
Are there plans for an official release? I'm still a little reluctant to download my personal security appliance from a private repo ;-)
Good point but there is no official release until 30.7.
Maybe you can build one yourself using the nekoprogs tools.
Tools Link (https://github.com/nekoprog/tools)
Good Luck.
I think that Raspberry Pi 4 is great thing for projects where you want to make use of GPIO connector.
I have RPi4 - on shelf since half year.
Too sensitive to use while children are in area. Too complex for simple projects - waste of resources.
Still laggy as for desktop PC (IMHO on RaspberryPi OS mouse cursor is laggy - don't know how on other systems).
I'm slowly accepting sad truth - that it was mistake to buy it.
Quote from: oscarr on July 26, 2020, 09:15:50 PM
I think that Raspberry Pi 4 is great thing for projects where you want to make use of GPIO connector.
I have RPi4 - on shelf since half year.
Too sensitive to use while children are in area. Too complex for simple projects - waste of resources.
Still laggy as for desktop PC (IMHO on RaspberryPi OS mouse cursor is laggy - don't know how on other systems).
I'm slowly accepting sad truth - that it was mistake to buy it.
I doubt that you have explored enough of Linux operating system for the RPI4, You should try Manjaro ARM XFCE edition it is fully usable for normal desktop use case but please don't expect X86 applications which are not made for aarch64 yet to work on it.
Link Here (https://forum.manjaro.org/t/manjaro-arm-20-06-released/148221?u=spikerguy)
Sorry opnsense forum for advertising Manjaro ARM I am a maintainer there ;)
@rene hello,
Can you share how you were able to build aarch64 opnsense image for RPI3, Freebsd team have added support for RockPiE which have 2 Lan ports so I tried to add its support to Opnsense tool maintained by @nekoprog but base and packages seems to fail while compiling, I have reported it to opnsense tools git issue.
I would like to know your method if you're willing to share your work. It will help the community in adding support for more devices which already have support for freebsd.
Thank you.
So, 20.7 was released a couple of days ago ... and the base is finally bsd 12.1
i will start work again on this in next days or weeks, as soon as i have enough time for this.
i will answer all you questions than, because its not everything in my head right now ;)
As soon i got a stable way to compile for rpi3 and maybe other devices, i will create a pull request to the official git repo.
Afterwards, everyone should be able to compile there own images from official source.
Spikerguy, so you say that in Manjaro ARM there is hardware cursor experience? Because on RespberyOS it behave like software rendered which means it's laggy when you move it quickly.
I apologize that I forgot to mention some Raspberry Pi features that makes it usable for geeks and tinkers (camera and display slot etc). It is great thing for teenagers, students or for unique projects, but using it as PC is like driving with small excavator.
That's about RPi.
In case of OPNsense 20.7 - it is great. I found that USB WiFi adapter by Mediatec/Ralink RT5572 works perfectly, also gigabit ethernet adapters TP-Link UE300 and ANKER A7611 works as well.
Gigabit adapters are not so perfectly working as WiFi - if they go into powersaving mode, they wont be automatically reinitiated after plugging cable in.
Also for boot I had to add init script into /usr/local/etc/rc.syshook.d/early/
usbconfig -d `usbconfig list | grep "Realtek USB 10/100/1000 LAN" | cut -c5-7` set_config 1
Ok Rene, i'll try to follow the road ;)
I'll install a full bsd 12.1 to be able to (i hope 🤞) build a pi4 image.
Quote from: rene_ on August 03, 2020, 12:02:57 PM
So, 20.7 was released a couple of days ago ... and the base is finally bsd 12.1
i will start work again on this in next days or weeks, as soon as i have enough time for this.
i will answer all you questions than, because its not everything in my head right now ;)
As soon i got a stable way to compile for rpi3 and maybe other devices, i will create a pull request to the official git repo.
Afterwards, everyone should be able to compile there own images from official source.
Looking forward for this, Maybe you can reuse nekoprogs tools to get a stable method to build images, I have tried it and it kindly of works but there is some compiling issue which seems to be due to using freebsd instead of hardenedbsd to compile from source, I will try compiling it on hardenedbsd over the weekend. This was advised by the opnsense team when I shared the error logs on git issue.
Can you share how do you build images currently? I have many boards laying around maybe we can make use of it to build natively for aarch64.
Quote from: oscarr on August 04, 2020, 02:42:57 AM
Spikerguy, so you say that in Manjaro ARM there is hardware cursor experience? Because on RespberyOS it behave like software rendered which means it's laggy when you move it quickly.
I apologize that I forgot to mention some Raspberry Pi features that makes it usable for geeks and tinkers (camera and display slot etc). It is great thing for teenagers, students or for unique projects, but using it as PC is like driving with small excavator.
That's about RPi.
In case of OPNsense 20.7 - it is great. I found that USB WiFi adapter by Mediatec/Ralink RT5572 works perfectly, also gigabit ethernet adapters TP-Link UE300 and ANKER A7611 works as well.
Gigabit adapters are not so perfectly working as WiFi - if they go into powersaving mode, they wont be automatically reinitiated after plugging cable in.
Also for boot I had to add init script into /usr/local/etc/rc.syshook.d/early/
usbconfig -d `usbconfig list | grep "Realtek USB 10/100/1000 LAN" | cut -c5-7` set_config 1
Yes Manjaro arm have GPU acceleration for RPI using their gpu drivers, Please move to Manjaro forum for further discussion.
Hi Rene,
I wanted to try 20.7 on R-Pi 4. download link (https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12%3Aarmv7/20.7/sets/ (https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12%3Aarmv7/20.7/sets/) does not contain Image File.
Could you please guide how do i get img file for putting on SD Card?
Apologies for mundane question - new to Linux and Pi world.
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Hi Rene_,
I appreciate all the work you've done so far getting OpnSense ported to the Raspberry Pi. Do you have any updates on 20.7 getting built for the Pi3/4?
Greatly appreciated,
Hi Rene,
Thanks for all your work on this project! I have a raspberry pi 4 that I'd love to try to run OPNSense on. Is there anything I could do to test that would help your development out?
I have been trying to get this build https://opnsense.rene.network/FreeBSD%3A12%3Aarmv7/20.1/ on Raspberry Pi 4 d03114 with no luck, I hit a break wall due to start.elf is not compatible.
Anyone tried re-compiling and getting any good results that we can start from to get it working on RPI 4?
Shall I get the ISO image for the same.
Thanks and Regards,
Anyone tried with USB 3.0 for the same.
Rene thankyou so much for putting this together. Its awesome!.
I downloaded the latest today and installed it on my Pi, and it seems to work awesome, with the exception of my Microsoft USB to Ethernet adapter.
The model of the adapter is 1821.
usbconfig shows the device as being detected at ugen0.4, but the driver doesnt seem to exist.
root@OPNsense:~ # usbconfig
ugen0.1: <DWCOTG OTG Root HUB> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen0.2: <vendor 0x0424 product 0x9514> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=SAVE (2mA)
ugen0.3: <vendor 0x0424 product 0xec00> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (2mA)
ugen0.5: <Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON (100mA)
ugen0.4: <Microsoft Ethernet Adapter> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (350mA)
Obviously with the driver, the command "usbconfig -d 0.4 set_config 1" (which ive tried) simply does nothing.
Running the command: "usbconfig dump_device_desc" shows:
ugen0.4: <Microsoft Ethernet Adapter> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (350mA)
bLength = 0x0012
bDescriptorType = 0x0001
bcdUSB = 0x0210
bDeviceClass = 0x0000 <Probed by interface class>
bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000
bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000
bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040
idVendor = 0x045e
idProduct = 0x0927
bcdDevice = 0x3100
iManufacturer = 0x0001 <Microsoft>
iProduct = 0x0002 <Ethernet Adapter>
iSerialNumber = 0x0006 <001000DC8>
bNumConfigurations = 0x0002
/usr/share/misc/usbdevs shows: "vendor MICROSOFT 0x045e Microsoft"
So, everything checks out in that regard, but it appears the driver is missing. Would there be any chances of you seeing if you can include the driver for the above Microsoft USB to Ethernet adapter into your distro?.
Thanks again!
Hello Rene!
Is the project abandoned? With the addition of Proxmox to the list of enterprise applications that can be run on a Pi4, being able to run Opnsense becomes an increasingly interesting idea.