English Forums > Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Normal to see 5~10 ip blocks every minute?


I'm new to the OPNsense. So far, loving the lower latency and better WAN/LAN performance.

I enabled Intrusion Detection + IPS. Nothing fancy, just defaults. When I'm checking the log, I see that at least few IPs are being blocked every minute. Most of them are valid attempt to connect to my network, I think. (screenshot attached)

Is this normal? I'm surprised to see this many attempts.

This all looks like normal noise to me.  There will always be blocked traffic on external connects. It's not related to suricata.  Short answer this is normal. 

Patrick M. Hausen:
The entire IPv4 Internet is scanned by bots 24x7 - nothing to worry about.

This is normal when Suricata listen on WAN Interface.
Let Suricata listen only on LAN Interface  :)


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