English Forums > Hardware and Performance

Disabling flow control and eee on my NICs


I'm wanting to disable both flow control and eee on all the NICs of my firewall and from what have read I need to use tunables for this. This appears to be the ones I need to set from what I read:

--- Code: ---dev.em.0.fc 0
dev.igb.0.fc 0
dev.igb.1.fc 0
dev.igb.2.fc 0
dev.igb.3.fc 0
dev.igb.0.eee_disabled 1
dev.igb.1.eee_disabled 1
dev.igb.2.eee_disabled 1
dev.igb.3.eee_disabled 1
--- End code ---

But when I run "sysctl -a" I do not see "_disabled" only "_control":

--- Code: ---root@bart:~ # sysctl -a | grep eee
hw.bxe.autogreeen: 0
hw.em.eee_setting: 1
dev.em.0.eee_control: 1
dev.igb.2.eee_control: 1
dev.igb.1.eee_control: 1
dev.igb.0.eee_control: 1
--- End code ---

Should I change my tunables to "_control" or is "_disabled" still correct?

Also, is there any way to set these live so I can test they don't break the NIC so that a reboot reverts the change if it goes really wrong?


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