Archive > 18.1 Legacy Series

18.1 development milestones

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The list was updated to reflect the current reality of 18.1-BETA. :)

I canĀ“t find where to enable reverse DNS support for insight reporting...

If you are on 17.7.x that is expected. states:

With 16.7.1 and up, it's possible to switch to the development version by invoking this command on a shell:

# opnsense-update -t opnsense-devel

Switching back to the release version is done by typing the following instead:

# opnsense-update -t opnsense


Just curious ... once 18.1 comes out how much of the pfSense original code will be left in OPNsense?

It would depend heavily on who you ask and what your metrics are.

I've updated the gitstats graphs for a slight indication of what is going on in terms of activity:

It's also worth noting that "pfSense" was also a fair share of m0n0wall when we started researching features and looking for sensible replacements / improvements in various areas since 2014.

We've been over all files in UI design and code style updates / improvement / fixes, deleted the ones that were no longer necessary or were replaced by MVC/API equivalents. We've also rewritten the build tools because they were not available to us during the forking, introduced a real ports and source tree for FreeBSD.

The static page ratio vs. MVC/API is roughly 3 vs. 1 which is not where we hoped we would have ended up by now, but it's just a huge set of pages and people also constantly ask for improvements and we need to balance that. Furthermore, adding a firewall rules API requires all the rule generation code to be rewritten to make any sense at all. We're halfway there before we can think of building the API on top. But hopefully a progression is noticeable here for the mid and long-term.

The largest set of "intact" code is probably the /usr/local/etc/inc/* department, but that has also been taken apart by means of pluginification of the files and gradual improvements.

If you have more questions, please let me know. :)



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