OPNsense Forum

Archive => 20.7 Legacy Series => Topic started by: matzej on November 20, 2020, 02:58:48 pm

Title: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 20, 2020, 02:58:48 pm

i have a problem with NAT rules and logging.
That does not work as expected. I have configured a remote syslog server and send all logs that way. I receive all logs about block / pass rules but no information about NAT rules.

Background is, we have a VPN Gateway with some 1000 users which are natted to 4 IP adresses. If we have users with infected devices we get the information from our CERT, but they send us the external nadded ip, port and timestamp.
To get the real user i need the nat states, which internal IP triggered the CERT Rule for BOT/Virus/Worm traffic. Normally we geht the information with a 24-48h delay.

Nat RULE certainly has the Log option enabled. I also see the NAT State Rules unter Firewall/Diagnostics/pfInfo. But no logging.

Any ideas, is it a Bug?

regards Martin
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 21, 2020, 01:04:15 pm

anybody observing same issue?
Is there another way to solve the nat / internal issue? can i resolve external ip adresses/port/timestamp to internal ip bevor nat happens?

regards Martin
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 21, 2020, 03:58:45 pm
you can describe the problem in more detail?
why "pass" rules in log not showing "real" ip?
if need "rdr" rules in log, try to disable logging on associated "pass" rule. then you will see "rdr" in log
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 21, 2020, 04:42:13 pm

will try to describe more detailed.

Internal IP
Makes outbound connection to from source port 33333 to
External IP is

What i see in the log is a pass rule on wan interface:
pass =>

but what i need is NATTED to =>


87.106.18.a Target running C&C Server on port 443
193.16.xxx.yyy my external IP.
bxe0 wan interface

Example Cert Information:
IP-Adresse:   193.16.xxx.yyy
Zuletzt gesehen            IP-Protokoll   Quellport          Ziel-IP    Zielport  Malware
2020-11-19T12:33:49+01:00                     17195    87.106.18.a        443  Gootkit
   occurences: 1, target_url: lbegardingstorque.com/rbody320

With that information i can not track which internal user did that connection.
What i need is the NAT information: was natted to 193.16.xxx.yyy Port 17195.

looks like NAT rule is executed bevor pass rule, and NAT rule does not log anything.

regards Martin

Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 21, 2020, 05:05:53 pm
Do I understand correctly that this is an outgoing connection?
In this case, you need to enable logging in the rule on the LAN interface (or any ingress for this requests), not WAN
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 21, 2020, 07:05:48 pm

yes - it is outgoing.

I have added a Loging Rule on LAN, now.
Now i have 2 log entries.
LAN: => Target:443
ExternalIP:RANDOMPORT => Target:443

I have to combine the 2 log entries, and it does only work if RANDOMPORT is not reused in the same period, or after some seconds. Will help as workaround.

More satisfying would be the NAT rule logs the traffic, NAT stuff because it knows all about internal ports and external ports.
And why is there a LOG option in NAT rule when it is good for nothing?

Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 21, 2020, 08:47:38 pm
you cannot get all the information уou need (source ip and port, translated ip and port) from single line of log (nat rule string in log will contain same info as "pass" string: source ip:port and dest ip:port. without translated address). so you need to combine to lines.

if you not use "modulate state" in "pass out" rule, pf use same initial sequence number as client.
so you can use sequence number in log strings to combine entries
And why is there a LOG option in NAT rule when it is good for nothing?
as i said. you can see nat rules in log if you disable logging for corresponding "pass out" rule (i think its by pf design. not to log packet twice)
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 22, 2020, 02:51:11 pm

got it.
"modulate state" works only for tcp - when i use that i have to multiply my rules, one for tcp, one for udp, icmp ...

Will try to catch users within time period of access.
Also have installed IDS, but that seems to run not on openvpn interface, only on outside, so same problem - source allready natted.

thanks for clarification.


Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 22, 2020, 04:08:36 pm
"modulate state" works only for tcp - when i use that i have to multiply my rules, one for tcp, one for udp, icmp ..
I tried to say the opposite: since the "modulate state" directive is not used by default, pf uses the same sequence number as received from the client and you can use that when concatenating strings.
but you are right that this can only be used for TCP

i have some idea about tagging. but not tested yet
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 23, 2020, 09:24:38 am
looked more closely. the idea with tags was stupid. pf does not add such field to the packet to pflog.
it remains to be hoped that the information from CERT (about the target address, port and exact time) is sufficient to identify the client from the ingress interface logs
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: matzej on November 25, 2020, 10:32:58 am

thanks for investigating.

But that could become an issue for more users, perhaps this should considered a feature request.
Everyone using this in comercial / university environment would get such problems.

regards M.
Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: Fright on November 25, 2020, 10:47:21 am
yes. but its not OPN issue. PF


Title: Re: NAT Rules logging not working
Post by: svenny on June 11, 2021, 11:36:57 am
Hi all, I'm also interested in this feature. Is it possible to install pfnattrack without breaking something in OPNsense?

Many thanks.
